Those who without fked and twisted mind, can clearly see there are so many wrongs with extreme Muslim. What is problem of being sarcastic and question about it? How do you think the world would progress without questioning and challenging others.?
bigright 发表评论于 2015-01-08 12:28:31
bigright 发表评论于 2015-01-08 12:27:46
kapper 发表评论于 2015-01-08 12:21:23
Can you please, stop shxtting from your mouth? There was no 西方世界 in 7th century when Muslim enslaved and mascaraed hundreds of millions people the worldwide in systematic ethnical genocide. Such fanatic ideology has never stopped ever since.
孤岛 发表评论于 2015-01-08 12:00:13 恐怖主义是西方一手造成的,这是对西方世界无差别推行其价值观的报复。美国在伊拉克的军事行动杀死了几十万平民,是更严重的国家恐怖主义,西方推行自以为是的普世价值观是要付出代价的。法国杂志社是这种价值观的牺牲品,希望西方世界懂得尊重其他文明的重要性,这才是真正的普世价值。