Stupid. What's got to do with White House ? It's local issue and its NYC Prosecutor office's decision. Drop this primitive, slavery 请愿mentality. Chinese seem not to understand power balance, 3-branch goverment. White House has as much power on this matter as I or you do, why can't you understand it? Try to learn something about America where your kids were born and grow up.
2 things in life you have to be truthful : marriage and immigration. There is no such a thing as living in foreign land and be "Chinese"
有一点可能中国人都没有入乡随俗,那就是一事件发生后自己立即以本身的价值观做出判断,认定错了马上表现出内疚,认错。这也是这位年轻警察最大的失误。 入乡随俗的做法就是----美国人即使是杀了人也一定不会让任何人看出内疚认错的表现。死不认错除非法律判你有罪。这一点是在美国生活的中国人要教育下一代的美国价值观。“you are innocent until proven guilty!" 是美国人从法律角度保护自己的金律!