I read the article again. I strongly suggest that you take the following 2 paragraphs out at minimum. It is good to show the pictures and the paper. But there is no need for these comments, it shows clearly the political tendency. If you don’t take any action and don’t reply to my email in one week time, I I will retain a layer to ask my donation back and I will email to all my friends who I sent to an email to ask for donations to your organization.
Please don’t turn a good thing to an political battle unless it is your true motivation!
除了南京保卫战,整个二战有哪次日军派出如此豪华的部队: 8个重装甲种师团一起上
吹NB, 6 万日军打下南京, 中国从来是N倍于敌
1)岳飞朱仙镇大败十万金军? 韩世忠黄天荡十万金军?
宋朝抗战多英勇? 北宋人口一亿, 女真人不到100万。
金军有多少? "金人之兵,不过六万人,吾勤王之师集城下者二十余万"。(还不包括禁卫军 )
建炎3年, 金军直捣南宋, 赵构跑到海上避难。
大历史学吕思勉说:“最可笑的是金兵渡江的时候,岳飞始终躲在江苏,眼看着高宗受金人追逐。进兵到朱仙镇,是必无之事。 高宗逃入海。 ”