Will they tall their children password?!***Some day they may tall their children that most of China is part of Korea's in 21 centure since there are many Korea business people live and trival in China.
It seems like they have very different respective speaking about history and reality. If a elementary child saying this, that is forgivable because he is uneducated.
JazzFan2 发表评论于 2007-06-12 07:41:33
You are right! Mayby, someone JazzFan2***You are right! Mayby, someone's girl friend has run away with a Korean guy! Haha! """这种消息看得多了,难免要问。。。 _rainman"""
“东胡”一名最早见于成书年代可能是先秦的《逸周书》,《逸周书·王会篇》提到“东胡黄罴 山戎戎菽”,据近人考证认为,早在商初东胡就活动在商王朝的北方。在老哈河与西拉木伦河流域发掘的东胡人墓葬被认为是对上述说法的旁证。 《晋书》记载:曾在晋代受封为“鲜卑都督”的慕容廆, “昌黎棘城鲜卑人也。其先有熊氏之苗裔,世居北夷,号曰东胡。”有熊氏,就是黄帝部落。