CNN: Trump's plan will feature individual tax rates that range from 0% -- for individuals making less than $25,000 a year and couples making less than $50,000 a year -- to a top rate of 25% for the wealthiest Americans, slashing the current 39.5% top rate, according to the Wall Street Journal, which received a preview of the campaign's proposal Monday.
看看是穷人得益还是富人得益。 穷人加中产才付30%,其实就是大部份中产付的。穷人不交税能对中产有什么影响?本来就不怎么交税。 富人倒拿了个15% tax cut! NICE! 那富人不交的那部份税谁来负责? 当然是大家都不负责! 他上任后赶紧买枪防身吧!