Mr. Trump’s message resonated with many supporters, who cheered at length each of his ideas.
Davor Jedlicka, 70, a retired professor living in Las Vegas, said he plans to vote for Mr. Trump because he appreciates the candidate’s honesty and his immigration policies.
“People are too hung up on rhetoric,” Mr. Jedlicka said. “You don’t start a debate with a reasonable position. If you had a reasonable position, you wouldn’t win the debate. So you start with a bomb. You start out making an extreme statement, then you work toward the middle until there’s reason.”
Kris Smith, 63, a retired state police sergeant, also plans to vote for Mr. Trump. He pointed to Mr. Trump’s plan to build a wall between Mexico and the United States and said he supported his proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States.
之前倾向于Trump+Carson的组合,现在看来Carson太弱了,还是Trump有抗压能力.有时自己即使知道应该怎么做,但难违抗周围的阻力,只有妥协,留下愧疚.而Trump凭一己之力面对的误解曲解奚落,实在难以想象,他能坚持自己看法,不迎合主流观点,让人钦佩.他一直说自己所要做的是对的事,而并非提高支持率的事,最近接受Don Lemon采访中说的话也令我印象深刻,由于禁止穆斯林入境(temporary until we find out what's going on)的言辞,失去在那些地方的商机,但他说当前做的事才是更有意义的事.他还说应该了解什么原因造成这些人的疯狂和愤怒,正视问题才能开启解决问题的途径.