There is a cap on punitive damage awards in federal court, so Pierre can't receive the entire $21 million. But her attorney said he expects she will receive at least $500,000.
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"I asked for $50 million, knowing that I was capped at $300,000," Brumer told NBC News on Wednesday. "I didn't do this for money. I did this to right the wrongs."
elune 发表评论于 2019-01-21 10:39:04
maina 发表评论于 2019-01-21 10:36:25
johniewalker 发表评论于 2019-01-21 10:14:19
这律师发了。起码拿到手 55%。
A_T 发表评论于 2019-01-21 10:06:17
疯了,让真正创造就业机会的雇主们走投无路就实现“make america great again"了?以后从周一到周七每天都有人要做礼拜不能上班(甚至还可以自己选哪天做礼拜,不准假就告死老板妨碍宗教自由),另外24小时里每个小时都有人得停下来祈祷包括飞行员,外加军队/警察制服按法律规定必须让不同民族的穿不同的民族服装(天天像马戏团游行,喜庆)。。。