The firing of these guys sent a clear message to all. You either act ethically, be a law-abiding citizen in the US, or you will be shown the door to China where you will find a lot of dishonest people just like you.
MD Anderson 本人觉得也是一个大忽悠,如果没有每年无数富人的海量捐款,靠他们自己挣钱养活自己恐怕都倒闭10回了。那些高楼大厦里面养的不夸张地说有一半都是没有用的废物。
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2019-04-20 18:31:00
These three professors had no concept of contractual obligations, engaged in activities involving conflict of interests. They will find it right at home in China where cheating is not considered shameful, but an intelligent behavior. Birds of feather flock together.
These weasels have no moral standards. They have profited a great deal by funneling US IPs to China. Now it’s their payback time. They better learn from this lesson and rein in their greed.