Is this “Victory“ the “Victory“ people normally know of?
【Later, Trump told reporters he would hold off -- for now -- on imposing new tariffs that he'd threatened if an agreement couldn't be reached, though said existing duties would remain.】
【"I promised that for at least the time being we're not going to be lifting tariffs on China. We won't be adding an additional tremendous amount -- we have $350 billion left that could be tariffed, taxed -- we're not going to be doing that,"】
官媒的报道用词是字斟句酌极力掩饰,Trump 在记者会上说的很清楚,【"We're right back on track. We'll see what happens,"
Later, Trump told reporters he would hold off -- for now -- on imposing new tariffs that he'd threatened if an agreement couldn't be reached, though said existing duties would remain.
"I promised that for at least the time being we're not going to be lifting tariffs on China. We won't be adding an additional tremendous amount -- we have $350 billion left that could be tariffed, taxed -- we're not going to be doing that," Trump told reporters at his closing G20 news conference in Japan.】
党媒一如既往地撒谎,欺骗自己的国民。关键词hold off for now竟然被新华社翻译成“不再”,让世人笑掉大牙。
The U.S. and China have agreed to restart trade talks, and the Trump administration will hold off for now adding new and costly tariffs on some $300 billion in Chinese imports.
党媒一如既往地撒谎,欺骗自己的国民。关键词hold off for now竟然被翻译成“不再”,让世人笑掉大牙。
The U.S. and China have agreed to restart trade talks, and the Trump administration will hold off for now adding new and costly tariffs on some $300 billion in Chinese imports.
"We're right back on track. We'll see what happens," Trump said after the talks wrapped. The leaders met for more than an hour.
Later, Trump told reporters he would hold off -- for now -- on imposing new tariffs that he'd threatened if an agreement couldn't be reached, though said existing duties would remain.
"I promised that for at least the time being we're not going to be lifting tariffs on China. We won't be adding an additional tremendous amount -- we have $350 billion left that could be tariffed, taxed -- we're not going to be doing that," Trump told reporters at his closing G20 news conference in Japan.