Tell you all a true story that happened to me few years ago. Once I was driving at night and an American lady about 25 years old gave me a long and loud horn and started cursing at me through window. At a stop, I rolled down the window and and asked "what happened to you ? why ?" She said I drove too close to her lane. I said "Why did you curse and horn like crazy ? I didn't cross the lane anyway." Then she said something really made me mad . she said " you are stupid Asian who can't drive". I was mad and followed her car and gave her horn back. She was mad too and intentionally stopped. My car just hit her car. She stepped out and said " you hit my car, you stupid Asian". I was mad too, I said "Fxxk you, let me show you how I hit it again" so I hit her car again. She was totally unprepared for this. She said she would call cop. I said OK. Then cop came. She said I intentionally hit her car. I said she was a racist and she intentionally blocked my car to force me to hit her car. No single ticket was issued. When I left, I told her "So, Don't think you can always fxxk around, white kid"