膨博的报道说"She argues that China is in selective default, having paid out on bonds held by British investors in 1987 as part of the Hong Kong handover deal negotiated by former Prime Minister and ‘Irony Lady’ Margaret Thatcher."
“Defendants falsely represented to these investors that the bonds were safe, risk-free, worth tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars, and could be sold to third parties,” the SEC said in its complaint. “In reality, the bonds were mere collectible memorabilia with no investment value.”
法律适用原则之一:新法不溯及既往,如果想用现代法律的追诉时效去套当年没有时效的债券,显然是有人遇到这个课题想做老赖。会有人以老赖为耻吗?不想还的方法千万种,至少也CCTV道貌岸然一点。首先咱们是中国人,得站咱中国这一边,还什么还,不还就不还。先骂川铺个老表壳,将他骂得抬不起头,咱们就赢了。easy to win.