This truce will prove short-lived. The showdown will continue until a clear winner emerges. I am positive the US will continue to punch China until it is knocked out. Then peace will return.
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2019-10-11 19:13:00Anyone who has followed the trade war in the last year and half knows darn well that Trump won’t let China off the hook in the next phase of the negotiation. Every push back by China has earned it a tariff hike. Thankfully we have a persevering President and lots of room for tariff increases
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2019-10-11 19:13:00
Anyone who has followed the trade war in the last year and half knows darn well that Trump won’t let China off the hook in the next phase of the negotiation. Every push back by China has earned it a tariff hike. Thankfully we have a persevering President and lots of room for tariff increases.
U.S. and China took an initial stepo cement a trade agreement that had been derailed, with Washington saying on Friday it would shelve a planned increase in tariffs on goods imported from China, while Beijing would increase purchases of U.S. agricultural products.
The two sides left many details to be worked out in the weeks or months ahead on tough issues including China’s enforcement of intellectual property rules, U.S. access to Chinese markets, Chinese government support for state-owned enterprises, and the fate of U.S. tariffs on nearly $360 billion worth of Chinese imports already in place.
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2019-10-11 18:53:00关税真是个好东西。习胖刚开始时不知厉害还敢叫嚣“以牙还牙”。到现在一颗颗牙都被关税打掉了,无路可走 you got do what you got do。大豆已经没戏了,赶快把稀土拿出来吧。哈哈。美国只是下周的关税不涨了,年底还有一次呢。其它什么也没变。华为还在黑名单上;梦碗粥还在法院;军火还在运往台湾;上周宣布的官员制裁还将继续;上周又新添中国公司上黑名单。
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2019-10-11 18:53:00
关税真是个好东西。习胖刚开始时不知厉害还敢叫嚣“以牙还牙”。到现在一颗颗牙都被关税打掉了,无路可走 you got do what you got do。大豆已经没戏了,赶快把稀土拿出来吧。哈哈。美国只是下周的关税不涨了,年底还有一次呢。其它什么也没变。华为还在黑名单上;梦碗粥还在法院;军火还在运往台湾;上周宣布的官员制裁还将继续;上周又新添中国公司上黑名单。
Deal is no Deal,特朗普必须达成中国所有协议,中国今天妥协明天就是阶下囚,特朗普在试探中国。
看一看笑一笑 发表评论于 2019-10-11 18:12:00
The U.S. and China took an initial stepo cement a trade agreement that had been derailed, with Washington saying on Friday it would shelve a planned increase in tariffs on goods imported from China, while Beijing would increase purchases of U.S. agricultural products.
The two sides left many details to be worked out in the weeks or months ahead on tough issues including China’s enforcement of intellectual property rules, U.S. access to Chinese markets, Chinese government support for state-owned enterprises, and the fate of U.S. tariffs on nearly $360 billion worth of Chinese imports already in place.