货车车主一对爱尔兰夫妇两人被拘押,Joanna Maher and Thomas Maher, in Warrington。参看
w ww.m sn.c om/en-gb/news/other/first-picture-of-irish-couple-arrested-over-essex-migrant-lorry-deaths/ar-AAJlwkG
Sad story,BBC 报道:在这个死亡车厢达到英国港口之前2小时,Pham Thi Tra My 的兄弟收到了如下手机信息:"I am really, really sorry, Mum and Dad, my trip to a foreign land has failed," ,"I am dying, I can't breathe. I love you very much Mum and Dad. I am sorry, Mother." 。她的兄弟告诉BBC,共有3个亲戚10月3日由越南出发经过中国到达法国,再到比利时,出事的当天10月22日上午还手机联系过:要关机准备进入密闭车厢前往英国,除了上述信息在没有消息了。