HK parents, do you understand the fact that if US police feel their life in danger, they can shoot suspects? How patient HK police are! They should have used real bullets to kill these kids when they attacked police. If your kids die in riot, it serves him right. No sympathy! Why do you have such a black sheep in your family?
wgu 发表评论于 2019-11-23 21:50:42
HK parents, shame on you. I agree withe the following comments:
HK parents: it is your responsibility to teach your kids to behave themselves.
What HK police have done to your kids are perfect.
owen78746 发表评论于 2019-11-23 21:17:00
I cant imagine this situation in USA...surely there would be 5 or 7 riots gangs killed!
owen78746 发表评论于 2019-11-23 21:01:27
IF 停止使用催泪弹 do you want the Hongkong police use the real bullets like USA police... If you don't understand what a bullet mean here is the footage for you. Th eUS police can shoot the suspect as long as police BELIEVES himself is in danger! Do you understand, people?!