土豆还是加拿大人?我千方百计寻找加拿大感染病例发生在哪些社区,结果C D C官网根本无法查到美其名曰保护隐私,只能查到加拿大一共多少例,每个省一共多少例,发病的人在那个社区这叫隐私吗?如果指出他们在哪个社区我们才会知道如何保护自己,他们这样使全部的加拿大健康人受到威胁,无从下手保护自己,这样的政府愚蠢透顶小土豆应该下台了。加拿大人应该清醒了。
estar 发表评论于 2020-03-13 13:30:50
The first case reported in Canada is a Canadian Chinese returning from Wuhan. The 2nd one is his wife. The 3rd one is in Vancouver and he is from Wuhan as well. Most cases are in Vancouver and Toronto area. These two cities has the most Chinese population.
Only recently Canada start to have cases from the US.