崴记者压力山大问:"What do you say to Americans who are scared?"川普反应不要太快,知道他要传送何等负能量,立刻警告他"I say that you are a terrible reporter,"继而"That's what I say!nasty question!You're doing sensationalism!”川普连珠炮"And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'!Let me just tell you something,,,That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."NBC的崴记者压力山大翻着白眼张口结舌的倒在了座位上。
我看了一些最近美国和加拿大网站上的聊天, 很多人提到去年12 月 和 1月就发现自己有肺炎的可怕经历,太可怕了, 现在才知道是冠状肺炎的症状。
Marie Smith
I fully believe I experienced all the symptoms in December, it was the worst I've ever felt and the pain was extreme to the point if my hair being sensitive. I also came to the realisation this week that I've been sort of sucking other peoples energy into my physical reality, you really hit home for me with this one.
Katharina vom Dach
Exactly! :) I had the same experience with my lungs end of last year already! Out of nowhere! My doctor said it might be a sever double-sided pneumonia.. (would have been the first in my life) .. but it wasn't. .. I already could feel it was "just" a needed templating. It was frightening for a moment. .. When the Corona topic started to rise and during the last week. I already understood what this meant。
枪是必须的。Trump 政府不断在各种途径场合把Coronavirus 叫Chinese Virus,是彻头彻尾的种族歧视!实实在在的这次美国的疫情Trump 需要负主要责任,正是因为他的反应迟缓,不负责任的引导和领导造成一发不可收拾的后果!我们应该把美国的病毒叫做“川普病毒”Trump Virus是最负责任病毒头衔!任何长着华人脸的亚裔人,都不要事不关己高高挂起!无论你亚裔如何想成为美国的一份子,如何希望大家合作把难关渡过,但是Trump 政府一下子把你定位Chinese Viruse, 他在电视,tweeter各种媒体等不同场合不断重复应对“中国病毒”, 这样所有亚裔人群都会成为仇视对象,都有可能随时受到人身攻击!我们要一条心,坚决让川普政府道歉,收回他的种族偏见