No need to hate. Free right to choose my life. Thanks for America to support me all the way to achieve all my goals.
eyeyama 发表评论于 2020-05-22 09:15:21
美国扶着我走的挺好的。有车有房子有正直诚实小孩不用kiss A##.,不用担心房产被软弱中共法律拿走,七十年后还是我的和我孙子的(不好意思付清了).享受所有人权,谁歧视我收集证据告死他。我拜美国的福从一无所有到拥有全世界。No need to hare and you can do it. Btw, free right to choose whether or not I want to die in covid19? Do you have the same right?