rc sounds like a philosopher. everything is relative !!!
LTG 发表评论于
rc, philosophically wrote:
Guess no word means the same to different person, no word means the same in different context, circumstance, time[and space?]. No word means the same with different non-verbal expressions...
we are getting somewhere....
rc 发表评论于
Very interesting.. Need to think for a long time, such as the definition of a word, cultural content that a word implies, personal interpretation according to their life experiences..etc.
Guess no word means the same to different person, no word means the same in different context, circumstance, time frame. No word mean the same with different non-verbal expressions..
Agree with YY, "感觉就是修饰词越长,那种给读者留下的空间就越小". :)
LTG 发表评论于
y.y. wrote:
“干净”在这里意味着“忘我” ...
yessss, something like that, something beyong college Chinese :)
for me, “新鲜” also indicates something that won't last long, or gets "un-fresh" really soon :)
“个人”与“一个人”: when a human being becomes a mere number, he/she also loses the meaning of being human....