by A-mao
*********************by A-mao
妈妈不干了,告诉儿子:“Stop playing the window.”
“I like to play it.”
老妈急了,吼道:“I am the driver, so I am the boss. You have to follow my rule.”
儿子回道:“That's not true! I went to the fire station and ride theirfiretruck. The boss always sits in the back, and gives order to thedriver!”
儿子昨天把他的玩具又翻了一遍。他的玩具少多了,都让妈妈送人了。所以,昨天正告老妈:“I want to save all my toys for my baby brother.”
老妈大吃一惊:“What? Who's you baby brother?”
“I meant the future one.”
老爸正坐在大mushroom椅子上, 说:“你老妈没戏了,生不出来了。要不老爸给你找个Step mother。”
“Noooo Way!”
嘿嘿,这边的孩子都是 snowwhite看多了,一提step mother, 就吓得打哆嗦呢。
(儿子后来告诉老爸,他的baby brother的想法是从他同学那里来地。他的一个同学说他马上就要有一个baby brother啦。)