我对母亲最佩服的是她always standing one step behind my father。在上大学以前,我认为我父亲简直就没有任何缺点,是个完美无缺的男人。同学们议论“天下没有不吵架的夫妻”的时候,我理直气壮的说,我父母就从来不吵架。等我恋爱结婚以后,从女人的角度,我发现母亲在她的婚姻中做出了牺牲和让步,做到了宽容和体谅。论客观条件,母亲是优于父亲的。但母亲是个聪明而传统的女人,懂得如何把自己适时适地的放在一个男人后面,把尊重父亲和树立父亲在子女中的威信和形象放在第一位。这种婚姻观念在当今社会也许早就落伍了,不为人道了,然而,这正是我们家幸福的原因之一。
Yes, it is not easy to be always standing one step behind in a marriage. I am not able to do it. However, I am trying. My mother is traditional yet I am not. besides, the society is developing. Anyway, everyone should find a way to benefit both sides in a marriage.
flysnow68 发表评论于
你母亲是个了不起的女人!要做到"always standing one step behind my father",不容易!佩服!
yes, you are right. Mothers will be happy to hear it. However, they want to see us to be good mothers too.
melly 发表评论于
same to my parents.
my mom is strict while my Dad is kind. Everybidy in my family, old and young, love my father more, respect my father more. I really think it is partly because of my mother's stand-one-step-behind strategy. They are my role models forever.
素月-2006- 发表评论于
林贝卡 发表评论于
melly 发表评论于
Every mother is wonderful. Wanna be one of them? Let's do it!
melly 发表评论于
Thanks for staying even sitting on a cold little stool.:-)
blhw72 发表评论于
Melly, I am happy for you having such a wonderful mother.
I don't know what to say about my mom......will later do.
lindows 发表评论于
melly 发表评论于
Thank you for being so supportive.
yes, parents are our lifelong good examples, especially in terms of marriage and family. I am lucky that my parents are always supportive and open-minded. To be honest, sometimes I worry about how to return them. Until now they are still helping to take care of my son. I am barely a good daughter.
I think your parents must be very proud of you.
静水苍兰 发表评论于
melly 发表评论于
Thanks for your comments.
I hope I could do more for my parents. I wish I could be more like my Mom regarding of patience and tenacity although our personalities are quite similar.
I bet you are an understanding girl too. Look at your logo picture, so elegant and delicate. I skimmed your blog, will read more carefully later.