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关于中国的汉族和少数民族,现在人有很多错误的看法,比如,汉族是纯血统的,这不对,汉族是无数个民族融合起来的。汉族是内容不断变化的“民族”,其实,古代没有“民族”这个说法,都是天子的子民,所谓“汉族”是近代革命党搞出来的,有政治化的意味。生活在中国版图上的所有民族都是中华民族的一部分。从以下16个主要民族结局看,尽管古代有杀戮,但他们都没有消失,比如“党项”没有蒙古族灭绝,羯在16国时代也没有被灭族。流传最大的谎言是匈奴,原来说匈奴被西汉打败后,部分成了欧洲的“匈奴帝国”,但近年通过95俱古代匈奴尸体的DNA 分析,欧洲匈奴(Huns)和中国的匈奴(Xiongnu)毫无关系,这个重大考古和生物研究成就,不知道为什么被国内媒体忽略了。

位于蒙古北部Egyin Gol峡谷,发现一处墓地,是一处匈奴时代尸骸遗址,共挖掘出属于不同时期的90多具尸骸。三名法国学者Christine Keyser Tracqui,Eric Crubezy和Bertrand Ludes对这些古代尸骨进行了DNA测试,测试共分Nuclear DNA细胞核DNA和MitochondrialDNA(mtDNA)线粒体DNA两部分,最后确定了匈奴人的人种类型,他们是典型的亚洲人,和今天的蒙古、西伯利亚、中国人、朝鲜人、日本人有比较近似的人类发生学关系,而且没有发现欧洲人血统的影响。

他们的论文发表在最权威的遗传学学术刊物《American Journal of Human Genetics》上(《美国人类遗传学杂志》),发表于2003年。

写此文的目的,主要是我对民族和历史感兴趣,另一方面,网上某些别有用心的人又在叫嚣汉族血统最纯,说某某少数民族被谁谁灭族了,试图挑拨民族矛盾。看看《史记》,最早的“汉族”就是多个民族融合而成的,根据人类考古学,最早的人类出自东非,匈奴和“汉族”来自同一个祖先。 希特勒这个狂热的日耳曼民族种族主义者的下场大家都知道。美国有大量的移民人口,也没有怎么害怕污染了他们本民族的血统。个人认为,中国的某些极端民族主义者是中了儒教的毒害,儒教的所谓“夷夏”之分,对今天的民族和谐团结非常不利,某个国学大师在媒体上甚至公然指责纪大才子,是服务于清朝的汉奸。













An unfortunate, backward Eastern European with a racist agenda. The whole concept of Indo-European is archaic in nature. Unfortunately, he's reading from a History books that's 20 years out of date.

The Romans themselves described him as having Mongoloid features. End of story. There's nothing about the Huns that's Indo-European in nature or origin, or whatever that means. History Channel had a nice feature on the Barbaric Hoards, and they talked about the recovered skulls of the Huns which clearly showed marked Mongoloid features:

"The main source for information on Attila is Priscus, a historian who traveled with Maximin on an embassy from Theodosius II in 448. He describes the village the nomadic Huns had built and settled down in as the size of the great city with solid wooden walls. He described Attila himself as:

"short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with gray; and he had a flat nose and a swarthy complexion, showing the evidences of his origin."

Attila's physical appearance was most likely that of an Eastern Asian or more specifically a Mongol ethnicity, or perhaps a mixture of this type and the Turkic peoples of Central Asia. Indeed, he probably exhibited the characteristic Eastern Asian facial features, which Europeans were not used to seeing, and so they often described him in harsh terms."

附2:2003年  美国人类遗传学杂志的原文

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of a 2,000-Year-Old Necropolis

in the Egyin Gol Valley of Mongolia

Christine Keyser-Tracqui,1 Eric Crube′zy,2 and Bertrand Ludes1,2

1Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Mole′culaire, Institut de Me′decine Le′gale, Strasbourg, France, and 2Anthropobiologie, Universite′ Paul Sabatier,

CNRS, UMR 8555, Toulouse, France

DNA was extracted from the skeletal remains of 62 specimens excavated from the Egyin Gol necropolis, in northern

Mongolia. This burial site is linked to the Xiongnu period and was used from the 3rd century B.C. to the 2nd

century A.D. Three types of genetic markers were used to determine the genetic relationships between individuals

buried in the Egyin Gol necropolis. Results from analyses of autosomal and Y chromosome short tandem repeats,

as well as mitochondrial DNA, showed close relationships between several specimens and provided additional

background information on the social organization within the necropolis as well as the funeral practices of the

Xiongnu people. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study using biparental, paternal, and maternal

genetic systems to reconstruct partial genealogies in a protohistoric necropolis.


In recent years, molecular studies have become widely

employed to investigate parentage relationships within

burial groups (Fily et al. 1998; Stone and Stoneking

1999; Schultes et al. 2000; Clisson et al. 2002), because

morphological indicators of kinship are much less precise than the genetic data potentially available by analysis of ancient DNA. Understanding genetic relationships within and between burial sites helps us to

understand the organization of sepulchral places and the

origin of human remains recovered (e.g., unrelated individuals or members of a single or a limited number of

family groups). This should be the first step of any work

devoted to the history of settlement based on the investigation of remains from a cemetery, because every external inclusion in a group of subjects sharing a common

parentage may introduce a bias (Crube′zy et al. 2000).

In the present study, we examined biological kinship

in a necropolis from the Xiongnu period, a culture

known mainly through the graves discovered in 1943

by a joint Mongolian-Russian expedition in the Noin-

Ula Mountains in northern Mongolia (Rudenko 1970)

but also through other funerary sites of the Selenge Basin (Konovalov 1976). The Xiongnu were an ancient

nomadic Turkomongolian tribe who were first described

in Chinese manuscripts as early as the 4th century B.C.

Received February 26, 2003; accepted for publication May 7, 2003;

electronically published July 10, 2003.

Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Christine Keyser-

Tracqui, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Mole′culaire, Institut de Me′

decine Le′gale, 11, rue Humann, 67085 Strasbourg Cedex, France. E-

mail: [email]ckeyser@mageos.com[/email]

. 2003 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved.


(Minajev 1996). In the 3rd century B.C., Xiongnu tribes

rose to great power and created the first empire governed by Central Asian nomads. They ruled over a territory that extended from Lake Baikal in the north to

the Gobi desert in the south and from western Manchuria in the east to the Pamirs in the west. During the

newly established Han dynasty (206 B.C.to A.D. 220),

China expanded its borders, and the Xiongnu empire

lost ground (Marx 2000).

According to radiocarbon dating, the Egyin Gol site

was used from the 3rd century B.C. to the 2nd century

A.D. (i.e., over the whole Xiongnu period). It is located

in northern Mongolia, in a cold environment favorable

to a good preservation of the DNA (Burger et al. 1999;

Leonard et al. 2000). We studied genetic diversity at the

Egyin Gol site, first by use of autosomal STRs. Autosomal STRs consist of tandemly organized repeats of

short nucleotide patterns (2–6 bp), which are transmitted according to a Mendelian mode of inheritance.

These genetic markers took precedence in our study,

owing to their excellent power of discrimination for the

study of close parentage relationships. They also represent propitious markers for ancient DNA studies because of their small size and because they allow detection of sample contamination (Hummel et al. 2000).

Moreover, they can be simultaneously amplified, reducing to an absolute minimum the amount of sample material necessary for kinship analysis. Although both maternal and paternal genetic contributions can be assessed

with autosomal markers, such as STRs, we also studied

the genetic diversity by typing the nonrecombining part

of the Y chromosome, as well as the hypervariable region

I (HVI) of the mtDNA. We studied paternal and maternal

transmitted polymorphisms to complete the data ob

tained by autosomal STR analyses and, above all, to

confirm the authenticity of the molecular data obtained

from the ancient Egyin Gol specimens. These polymorphisms also provided additional information on the genetic history of the Xiongnu tribes.

Material and Methods


The necropolis is located in the Egyin Gol valley near

the Egyin Gol river, ~10 km from its confluence with

the Selenge, a main tributary of Lake Baikal (fig. 1. The

valley’s position is 49. 27. N, 103. 30. E, and it has

a continental climate, with an average annual temperature of 1C. The winter (October to April) is

cold (with temperatures often dropping to 30Cin

January and February), whereas Summer (July to September) is pleasant (with temperatures sometimes as high

as 22C). Precipitation is light (300–400 mm per year).

Because of its relatively high altitude (885 m), the valley

floor is covered with snow from mid-November to April,

and ice thickness on the Selenge reaches 1.8 m during

this period. Permafrost was found in some areas by the

geologists who were present on the site.

From 1997 to 1999, the burial site was wholly excavated by a French-Mongolian expedition, under the

sponsorship of UNESCO, after preliminary boring revealed the excellent preservation of the graves (Crube′zy

et al. 1996). The necropolis comprised a total of 103

graves, among which 84 were excavated by the archaeological mission. The 19 remaining graves had been explored before the arrival of the mission in Mongolia,

and no data were available on these spots. Graves were

organized on both sides of a small depression on the

river valley, in four sectors that were designated “A,”

“B,” “C,” and “D” (figs. 2, 3, and 4). The southern

sector (A) was composed of four double graves (32/32A,

33/33A, 37/37A, and 38/38A), each of which contained

two sets of remains that were probably buried within

the same period (Murail et al. 2000). Grave 27 was

surmounted by a standing stone and was found to conceal exceptional furniture. In eight graves (18, 47, 49,

54, 59, 69, 83, and 85), secondary deposits (bones of

very young children) were found beside the deceased.

The associated funeral material was of great interest

and allowed us to link the necropolis to the Xiongnu

culture (Crube′zy et al. 1996). Bone samples from 31

specimens scattered across the necropolis were dated by

carbon 14 (14C) determinations. The projection of the

31 mean values corresponding to each radiocarbon

datum were linearly extrapolated, by use of UNIRAS

software, to establish clines, which are represented by

shades of gray on the necropolis map (fig. 5). This diagram suggests a topographical development of the bur-

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

Figure 1 Location of the Egyin Gol site

ial ground, with a progressive expansion from south to

north. Indeed, grave 28, slightly remote in the southern

sector, was found to be the oldest of the necropolis,

followed by grave 27 and the double burials. Therefore,

sector A is probably the oldest, even though some graves

located around it appear more recent. Sectors B and C

seem more recent, although some graves situated near

the center of sector B might have been implanted earlier.

The graves were at a depth of 2–5 m and were delimited by stones set in circles with diameters of several

meters. They were protected by several layers of stones

included in a loessial sediment. Chests and coffins were

perfectly visible and relatively well preserved, as were

most of the artifacts made of perishable matter (e.g.,

horn and bone) that were found in the graves.


Excavation of the 84 unexplored graves resulted in

the recovery of 99 human skeletons (including double

graves and secondary deposits). In most instances, complete and articulated skeletons were recovered, but, in

some cases (e.g., secondary deposits or looted graves),

numerous bones were missing or severely damaged.

Most of the skeletal material was in an excellent state

of preservation, as was confirmed by the mineral/organic

composition of the bones, which did not differ significantly from that of contemporary bones. For instance,

the mean . SD crystallinity index was 0.07 . 0.02,

close to that of ice-preserved ancient bones (Person et

al. 1996). Mean . SD percentages of carbon and nitrogen were 13.8% . 0.8 and 4.2% . 0.2, respectively,

Keyser-Tracqui et al.: Genetic Analysis of a Xiongnu Population

Figure 2 Map of the necropolis showing the autosomal STR data. Graves are represented by circles. Letters A, B, C, and D refer to the

four sectors distinguished in the present study. Dotted lines define the boundary of these sectors.

quite similar to those of reference material obtained from

surgical samples.

Sex was established according to the methodology

developed by Murail et al. (1999). Age at death was

estimated using dental calcification for the children and

epiphyseal fusion for the adolescents (Crube′zy et al.

2000). The age distribution of the skeletons did not correspond to expected human mortality patterns (for a 30year life expectancy), since the 0–9-year-old group was

underrepresented. Moreover, the total number of subjects was surprisingly low for such a long period of use

(at least 400 years). These findings suggest that only

specific members of the Xiongnu community were buried in this necropolis.

Samples for DNA analysis were collected from such

skeletal elements as astragalus, calcaneus, rib, verteb??,

and teeth during the first year of the excavation; samples

from more substantial long cortical bones, such as femur,

tibia, and humerus, were collected during the next 2

years. After authorization from the Mongolian authorities, bone samples from 80 skeletal remains (taken,

when possible, in duplicate) were transferred to Strasbourg, France, under appropriate storage conditions. On

arrival in the laboratory, highly damaged bones (showing extreme fragility and porosity) and severely deteriorated teeth were excluded from the genetic analysis.

DNA Extraction and Purification

DNA was extracted from 79 bone samples corresponding to 62 individuals (some individuals were typed

from two independent samples).

To eliminate surface contamination, the outer surface

of the bones was removed to almost 2–3 mm of depth

with a sanding machine (Dremel). Powdered bone was

generated by grinding bone fragments under liquid nitrogen in a 6800 Freezer Mill (Fischer Bioblock) or with

a drill fitted with a surgical trepan to avoid overheating.

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

Figure 3 Map of the necropolis showing the Y chromosome STR data. Graves containing specimens of the same patrilineage are represented

by an identical geometric figure.

DNA was carefully extracted according to a published

protocol (Fily et al. 1998). In brief, 2 g of the pulverized

material was incubated at 50C overnight in 5 ml of a

solution containing 5 mmol EDTA, 2% SDS, 10 mmol

Tris HCl (pH 8.0), 0.3 mol sodium acetate, and 1 ml

proteinase K/ml. A phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol

(25/24/1, v/v) extraction was performed on the supernatant. The aqueous phase was then purified with the

Cleanmix kit (Talent), which relies on the strong affinity

of DNA to silica in the presence of guanidium thiocyanate. After the elution step with 400 ml sterile water,

the DNA was concentrated by passing through a Microcon YM30 filter (Millipore).

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results,

all samples were amplified (for each marker) at least six

times (more when apparent homozygotes were found by

autosomal STR analysis) from three independent DNA

extracts and, when possible, from two different bones

of the same individual.

Autosomal STR Analysis

Autosomal STRs were amplified using the AmpFlSTR

profiler Plus kit (Applied Biosystems). Nine STRs

(D3S1358, vWA, FGA, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51,

D5S818, D13S317, and D7S820) and the sex determination marker amelogenin were simultaneously


PCRs were performed according to the manufacturer’s

protocol (Applied Biosystems), except that 37 cycles

were used instead of 28 in a reaction volume of 10 ml,

thereby reducing the volume of the DNA samples and

improving the amplification yield.

For three samples (57, 58, and 59), further analyses

Keyser-Tracqui et al.: Genetic Analysis of a Xiongnu Population

Figure 4 Map of the necropolis showing the mtDNA sequences data. Graves containing specimens of the same matrilineage are represented

by an identical geometric figure.

were performed using the AmpFlSTR SGM Plus kit (Applied Biosystems), which allows the simultaneous amplification of 10 STR loci (4 more than with the previous

kit). The genetic relationships between individuals were

tested by pairwise comparison of the profiles.

Y Chromosome STR analysis

The DNA of male individuals was analyzed at eight

Y chromosome STR loci. Six of them (DYS19, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS393, and DYS385) were

coamplified in a multiplex reaction, using the Y-Plex6

kit, according to the manufacturers’ recommendations

(ReliaGene Technologies). The two others (YCAII and

DYS392) were amplified by singleplex PCR. Primer sequences were those described by de Knijff et al. (1997).

For PCR amplification (using a Biometra thermocycler),

the following conditions were used: predenaturation at

94C for 3 min; 30 annealing cycles at 94C for 30 s,

56C for 30 s, and 72C for 90 s; and a final extension

at 72C for 7 min. The allele nomenclature was the one

recommended by the International Society of Forensic

Genetics (Gill et al. 2001).

mtDNA Analysis

The HVI of the mitochondrial control region was amplified and sequenced from nucleotide positions 16009

to 16390 (Anderson et al. 1981), using primers L15989

and H16410 (Gabriel et al. 2001). When no amplification was obtained with these primers, presumably

because of DNA degradation, the additional primers

H16239 (Ivanov et al. 1996) and L16190 (Gabriel et al.

2001) were used to amplify the HVI fragment in two

steps. PCR was performed with AmpliTaq Gold polymerase, as follows: predenaturation at 94C for 10 min;

38 annealing cycles at 94C for 30 s, 48Cor51Cfor

30 s, and 72C for 45 s; and final extension at 72Cfor

Figure 5 Radiocarbon dating map

10 min. Amplification products were checked on a 1%

agarose gel and purified with Microcon-PCR filters (Millipore). The sequence reaction was performed with the

same primers on each strand with the ABI Prism BigDye

Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems).

Amplification Product Analysis

PCR products were analyzed on an ABI Prism 3100

(Applied Biosystems) automated DNA sequencer. Fragment sizes were determined automatically by use of

GeneMapper software and were typed by comparison

with allelic ladders (provided in the kits or obtained by

the mixture of previously sequenced samples for the

most common alleles). mtDNA sequences were analyzed

using the Sequencing Analysis and Sequence Navigator

software packages.

Measures Taken to Avoid Contamination

Because the possibility of performing genetic analyses

had been considered before beginning the archaeological

work, precautions were taken to reduce contamination

during excavation and curation, for example, samples

were handled with gloves by a reduced number of anthropologists wearing face masks. To check for possible

modern contamination, the DNA extracted from saliva

samples of all people handling the material or working

in the laboratory was genetically typed and then compared with the profiling results of all ancient samples.

The entire process of DNA extraction and PCR amplification was performed in an isolated laboratory dedicated to work with ancient DNA, where all staff wore

lab coats, face masks, and gloves and where strict clean-

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

ing procedures were respected (frequent treatment with

DNAse Away and UV light and frequent change of

gloves). Autoclaved disposable plasticware, dedicated reagents, and pipettes with aerosol-resistant tips were

used; extraction and template blanks were included in

every PCR assay; and positive PCRs were never performed. Multiple extractions from the same samples

were undertaken at different times, and PCR products

were never brought into the ancient DNA laboratory.


Autosomal STR Analysis

Of the 62 individual remains analyzed by multiplex

amplification, 8 DNA samples (from graves 32, 34, 51,

60, 78, 83bis, 84bis, and 85 [fig. 2]) appeared severely

degraded, since no amplifiable product could be obtained (from at least three independent extracts). One

sample (from grave 18) was excluded from further analyses, because it was considered a likely case of contamination (the multiallelic profile matched that of one of

the staff, despite multiple independent extractions of this

vertebral sample). Four other DNA samples (from graves

26, 27, 67, and 81) were found to contain too few template DNA molecules to provide reproducible results

(data not shown). The remaining extracted samples gave

49 more or less complete allelic profiles. Consensus data

are reported in table 1. In most cases, these 49 DNA

profiles were obtained from diaphyses, but verteb??

provided the genetic profiles in 4 cases, calcaneus in 1

case, and clavicle in 1 case. Long cortical bones (such

as femur, tibia, and humerus) thus appeared to be good

sources of ancient DNA, whereas rib samples and other

thin bones did not. When apparent homozygotes were

obtained, amplifications were repeated as many as eight

times to avoid the possibility that one allele of an heterozygote was not detected.

Morphological and molecular typing results for sex

determination were in accordance with each other,

which is indicative of authentic ancient DNA extracts.

We used the amelogenin locus to deduce the sex of six

juvenile skeletons for which morphological indicators of

sex were absent: three were male (graves 18A, 36, and

84.1), and three others were female (graves 41, 83, and

91). For three other adolescent remains (graves 74, 75,

and 76), even molecular determination of sex was ambiguous, despite nearly complete STR profiles.

Comparison of the profiles in pairs allowed us to identify a family composed of the father (grave 57), the

mother (grave 59), and one child (grave 58). For these

three specimens, all nine STR loci were amplified; and,

at each locus, alleles of the child profile could have been

assigned to the genotypes from either grave 57 or grave

59 (table 1). To confirm this result, further analysis was

Keyser-Tracqui et al.: Genetic Analysis of a Xiongnu Population

Table 1

Consensus Allelic Profiles of 49 Specimens Recovered from the Egyin Gol Necropolis


GRAVE AMELa D3S1358 VWA FGA D8S1179 D21S11 D18S51 D5S818 D13S317 D7S820

18A XY 15?/16 14/17 19/25 11/13 ? 14/17 12/12 8/11 ?

25A XY 15/16 16/17 20/21 13/13 30/31 14/19 10/11 10/11 10/11

28 XY 15/16 14/15 23/26 10/11 30/31 14/16 9/11 10/11 10/11

29 XY 15/16 19? 24/25 13/16 31.2/? 13/14 10/12 8/8 8/8

29bis XY 14/15 18/19 22/22 ?/14 30/32.2 14/15 11/13 11/12 8/11

32A XY 15/16 15/17 22/23 13/14 29/30 16/16 11/11 9/9 11/13

33 XY 15/15 17/18 22/23 13/13 28/30 12/16 11/11 9? 11?

35 XX 15/17 15/17 22/24 14/16 28.2/33.2 13/15 11/12 11/11 12/12

36 XY 15/16 15/17 22/25 14/16 28.2/31 13/15 11/11 8/11 8/12

37A XX 15/16 18/18 24/25 13/14 29/30 ?/21 8/11 9/? 10/12

39 XX 16/17 17/19 22/23 13/14 28/30 14/15 8/11 8/8 8/12

41 XX 15/16 16/17 24/28 ? 29/32.2 16/16 10/11 8/12 8/8

46 XY 16/18 16/18 23/24 12/13 29/30 13/14 10/12 9/13 10/12

47 XY 14/15 16/17 22/23 13/14 30/33.2 14/14 11/13 8/9 8/10

48 XX 15/16 16/17 22/24 10/13 30/31.2 14/14 11/12 9/12 8/12

49 XX 15/16 16/17 24/24 13/15 28/32.2 ? 11/11 8/11 10/11

50 XY 16/18 17/18 23/24 13/14 29/30 14/17 10/12 9/10 10/11

52 XY 16/18 16/18 24/24 14/14 29/29 13/14 11/12 9/11 8/10

53 XY 15/17 16/17 23/24 12/13 29/32.2 15/22 10/11 10/13 11/11

54 XY 15/16 16/18 20/24 12/13 29/29 13/17 11/12 10/13 8/11

56 XX 15/17 14/17 23/25 14/16 30/31 16/20 10/11 8/12 10/10

57 XY 16/16 16/17 23/24 13/14 30/30 15/16 11/11 10/11 8/9

58 XY 15/16 14/17 22/23 12/14 30/31 13/16 11/12 8/11 8/12

59 XX 15/15 14/18 22/22 12/15 30/31 13/15 12/12 8/10 10/12

61 XX 15/15 18/18 21/23 8/10 ?/30 12/21 11/12 8/13 8/11

63 XX 15/17 16/17 24/26 12/16 30/32.2 15/16 7/12 10/10 10/11

65 XY 15/16 17/19 21/26 14/16 29/32.2 14/15 12/13 10/12 8/10

66 XX 15/16 18/19 23/24 10/16 29/30 14/16 12/12 9/12 8/10

68 XX 15/16 17/18 24/24 13/15 30/32.2 21/22 11/13 9/11 11/13

69 XY 15/17 15/16 23/23 10/12 29/30 15/15 13/13 10/10 10/11

70 XY 15/16 16/17 22/23 13/14 30/32.2 17/19 9/11 8/10 8/10

72 XY 15/16 16/17 23/24 10/14 30/32.2 14/17 11/11 10/10 10/10

73 XY 16/17 17/19 18/22 13/13 30.2/32.2 14/19 10/13 8/8 11/11

74 ? 15/17 16/19 21/24 12/13 29/30 13/15 10/11 8/9 8/10

75 ? 16/18 14/16 22/26 14/15 29/31 16/17 9/11 10/11 9/12

76 ? 15/16 15/16 21/24 13/14 29/29 14/22 10/10 (8)/11b 8/10

77 XX 15/17 18/19 21/25 10/12 32.2/32.2 14/16 11/12 9/11 8/11

79 XX 16/18 18/19 21/24 14/14 31.2/32 14/15 11/12 8/9 8/12

82 XX 16/16 14/17 19/24 13/14 30/32.2 13/14 10/11 11/14 10/13

83 XX 16/17 16/17 23/? 12/14 29/30 18/? 10/10 10/14 10/10

84.1 XY 15/16 16/17 19/25 13/14 28/28 ?/17 11/12 10/11 11/12

86 XX 15/16 16/17 24/25 13/14 30/31.2 13/15 13/13 8/9 12/13

88 XY 15/17 15/17 23/24 12/14 29/30 14/14 10/11 8/10 8/12

90 XX 15/16 18/18 23/23 13/14 31/32.2 16/16 11/12 10/11 11/12

91 XX 15/16 16/17 23?/26 13/14 29/30 16/17 9/? 10/11 9/10

92 XY 16/16 15/16 21/25 12/16 29/30 19/20 10/11 10/11 10/11

93 XX 16/17 16/18 22/24 13/13 29/31.2 15/22 11/12 8/10 8/8

94 XY 16/17 14/17 18/24 12/14 30/31 14/15 11/11 10/10 10/12

95 XY 16/17 16/17 21/24 12/13 29/30 15/21 11/11 8/8 8/12

NOTE.—Question marks denote alleles that could not be clearly amplified for the locus in question.


AMEL p amelogenin.


Allele noted in parentheses to indicate that ambiguity could not be eliminated even after reiteration of the experimentation.

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

Table 2

Y Chromosome STR Haplotypes Determined for 27 of the Ancient Male Specimens



25A14– 11 14 14 – – –

26 14 24 10 11 14 18/22 12/19 –

27 – – 10 11 1422/22– –

28 15 24 10 11 1419/19 –


32A–23 10 – 14– – –

36 1623101113– – –

46 15 24 10 11 13 22/23 12/15 29

47 15 24 10 11 13 22/23 12/15 –

50 15 24 10 11 13 22/23 12/15 29

52 15 24 10 11 13 22/23 12/15 29

53 15 24 10 11 13 22/23 12/15 –

54 15 24 10 11 1322/23– –

57 17 23 10 11 14 22/24 11/20 29

58 17 23 10 11 14 22/24 11/20 29

65 1624111113– – –

69 14 23 11 13 13 18/21 11/13 –

70 16 25 11 11 13 19/23 11/14 31

72 16 25 11 11 1319/23– –

73 16 25 11 11 1319/23– –

76 14 – – 13 1323/23– –

811423–14 13 –– –

84.1 14 24 10 16 14 18/20 – –

84bis – 23 11 – 11 19/19 – –

88 14 25 – 14 15 18/23 14/14 –

94 14 25 10 14 15 18/23 14/14 –

92 13 24 10 15 13 19/20 15/17 29

95 15 24 11 14 12 19/21 13/20 28

NOTE.—Dash denotes that an allele could not be amplified for the locus in question.

performed on these three samples, using the AmpFlSTR

SGM Plus Kit (PE Biosystems). This additional analysis

confirmed and completed previous results, with one allele contributed from each parent (data not shown), and

proved the parental relationships.

It was also possible to determine other familial relationships; for instance, the child from grave 36 is probably the son of the female individual buried near him

(grave 35), since the genotypes of these two subjects

shared a common allele at each of the nine loci tested.

No putative father was found among the profiles of table

1. In the same manner, the genetic profile of the male

skeleton retrieved from grave 50 shared one allele at each

locus with individuals from graves 46, 52, and 54 and

is probably the father of these three individuals. It also

shared eight alleles with individuals from graves 48, 65,

and 66. Individual profiles from graves 46 and 48 and

from 47 and 48 also indicated a parent/child relationship, with one common allele at each locus, as did profiles from the following pairs of graves: 63 and 65, 32A

and 33, 70 and 72, 72 and 94, 88 and 94, and 93 and

95. Other individuals could have been closely related

parents: the two adolescents from graves 74 and 76

shared one allele at seven or eight of the nine STR markers, as did those from the following sets of graves: 46,

52, and 54; 53 and 54; 50 and 52; 82 and 83; 53 and

69; 65 and 66; and, finally, 94 and 95. The incomplete

genotyping of some samples probably hampered the

search for other familial relationships.

Y Chromosome STR Analysis

To identify male lineages, an analysis of polymorphic

STR systems located on the male-specific part of the Y

chromosome was performed. Eight Y-specific STRs were

typed and used to construct haplotypes. Of the 35 individuals who were male or whose sex could not be

determined, 27 could be typed at more than three loci

(table 2). Among them, 18 different haplotypes could

be identified (even when incomplete, most haplotypes

could be differentiated). The loci DYS385 and DYS389II

often could not be amplified, probably because they are

expressed in the higher molecular weight range. Such an

inverse dependence of the amplification efficiency on the

size of the segment to be amplified is typical of DNA

retrieved from ancient remains and results from damage

and degradation of the DNA.

The most common haplotype was observed in six male

specimens buried in the C sector (graves 46, 47, 50, 52,

53, and 54 [fig. 3; table 2]), suggesting a grouping of

Keyser-Tracqui et al.: Genetic Analysis of a Xiongnu Population

individuals belonging to the same paternal lineage. Three

of these individuals (graves 46, 52, and 54), shared, in

addition, the same mtDNA sequence (see below); they

were therefore considered to be brothers. Since their autosomal allelic profile showed one allele in common, at

each locus, with that of the male from grave 50, the

latter was considered to be their father. The others (from

graves 47 and 53) were probably more distant paternal

relatives (half-brothers, nephew and uncle, or grandfather and grandson).

The study of these uniparentally inherited STR markers also showed that the individual in grave 58 had the

same Y haplotype as his putative father in grave 57: all

seven regions of the Y chromosome tested matched, confirming the autosomal typing results (paternity). Three

other adult individuals, buried in the northern part of

the necropolis (graves 70, 72, and 73) were found to

share an identical six-locus haplotype (fig. 3; table 2).

Two of them (from graves 70 and 72), who shared at

least one common allele at each locus (see “Autosomal

STR Analysis” section), may be considered to be a father

and son. Close to them, two other specimens (graves

88 and 94) sharing an identical six-locus haplotype

(table 2) and half of their autosomal alleles (table 1)

were supposed to be genetically linked by a father/son


Some DNA samples failed to yield any amplification

results. Among them were the DNA extracted from the

adolescent remains from graves 74 and 75. Since the sex

of both specimens could not be clearly established (either

morphologically or genetically), one can suppose that

these adolescents were female individuals. Conversely,

the individual from grave 76 gave incomplete but consistent results, suggesting that this specimen was a male.

mtDNA Analysis

Sequence variation in the HVI was investigated in 56

of the ancient specimens. Reproducible HVI sequences

were obtained for 46 of them. Among these 46 individuals, a total of 28 different sequences, defined by 44

variable positions, were identified (table 3). The most

frequent mtDNA type was scored in four individuals:

three of them (from graves 46, 52, and 54) belong to

the C sector and were considered to be brothers, since

they also shared an identical Y haplotype (table 2); the

fourth (from grave 57) was the father of the little family

identified in the middle of the necropolis. Twelve other

mtDNA types were shared by at least two individuals,

the remaining 15 mtDNA types being represented by

just one individual. Two of these unique mtDNA types

(from graves 48 and 61) differed from the most frequent

one (from graves 46, 52, 54, and 57) by a single mutation and may be considered to arise from the same

maternal lineage.

Differences between sequences could be mostly attributed to transitional substitutions (90%) and concerned mainly the pyrimidines; however, at position 183,

transversions occurred in several different sequences.

The CrT transition at position 16223 (nucleotide position in the reference sequence of Anderson et al.

[1981]) was shared by most of the ancient specimens

(35/46 individuals), as was the TrC transition at position 16362 (27/46 individuals). Two instances of a

transition and transversion at the same site were also

observed: position 16129 showed both GrA and GrC

mutations, and position 16232 showed both CrT and

CrA mutations, as previously reported by Kolman et

al. (1996). Insertion of a C residue was found once,

between positions 16193 and 16194.

Polymorphic sites shared by two individuals allowed

us to confirm or to reconsider close genetic affinities

between some specimens. For instance the individuals

from graves 59 and 58 showed an identical HVI sequence, confirming the maternal relationship deduced

from the autosomal STR typing. The child of grave 36

had the same mtDNA sequence as her presumed mother

(grave 35) and the female specimen from grave 37A

(double grave) (fig. 4). Other complete matches were

noted between individuals from graves 83bis and 91; 65

and 77; 32A and 72; 28, 73, and 74; 70, 88, and 94;

53 and 69; 83 and 82; and 76 and 86 (table 3), even

though autosomal STR data did not always clearly show

any parental relationship. The male individuals from

graves 88 and 94, who were thought to be a father-son

pair, since they share at least one allele at every locus

(see the “Autosomal STR Analysis” section) and an identical five-locus haplotype, may in fact be brothers, since

their mitochondrial haplotype is identical. Similarly,

the two adolescents from graves 74 and 76 who were

thought to be siblings are obviously not, since they do

not share an identical HVI sequence.

Heteroplasmies were found within the mtDNA sequences of individuals from graves 39, 41, and 18A.

Specimens from graves 39 and 18A were grouped, respectively, with individuals from graves 49 and 27, since

the remaining nucleotides perfectly matched each other;

a comparison with nuclear data to decide whether or

not graves 18A and 27 contained maternal relatives was

not possible, because of the incompleteness of the autosomal DNA profiles. Individuals from graves 39 and

49 were considered to be maternal relatives on the basis

of the genotyping results.

Although the mtDNA sequences obtained could not

be assigned with certainty to mtDNA haplogroups (since

they encompassed only the HVI of the control region),

three (A, C, and D) of the four major haplogroups observed in Native American (Torroni et al. 1993) and

Siberian (Starikovskaya et al. 1998; Schurr et al. 1999)

populations were detected in the ancient samples tested

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

Table 3

mtDNA HVI Sequences of the Egyin Gol Specimens








68 F A ................T..TC...............A..C..

83bis I A .........T..T...T............T......A..C..

91 I A .........T..T...T............T......A..C..

93 F A ................T............T.C....A.....

37A F A ................T............T......A..C..

35 F A ................T............T......A..C..

36 I A ................T............T......A..C..

63 F A ..........GC....T.........A..T......A..C..

84.1 M B4b ...C....C.CC...C..........................

39 F C .....Y.A........T...............C....T....

49 F C .......A........T...............C....T....

50 M C ................T.............T.C....T....

56 F C ................T..T............CG...TC...

47 M C .....C..........T...........C...C....T....

66 F C .....C.A......A.T...............C....T....

61 M D4 ................T..................C...C..

41 M D4 ..Y.............T......................C..

65 M D4 ................T.........A............C..

77 F D4 ................T.........A............C..

32A M D4 .....C..........T....T.................C..

72 M D4 .....C..........T....T.................C..

48 F D4 ................T......................C.C

46 M D4 ................T......................C..

52 M D4 ................T......................C..

54 M D4 ................T......................C..

57 M D4 ................T......................C..

28 M D4 ................T.T..........T.........C..

73 M D4 ................T.T..........T.........C..

74 I D4 ................T.T..........T.........C..

70 M D4 ................T.........A........C...C..

88 M D4 ................T.........A........C...C..

94 M D4 ................T.........A........C...C..

95 M U2 .......C..C..C.........................C..

53 M D5/D5a ....C......C....T..................C...C..

69 M D5/D5a ....C......C....T..................C...C..

25A M G2a ................TG.........T...........C..

83 I F1b .....C....CC......................C.......

82 F F1b .....C....CC......................C.......

58 M F1b ..........CC......A...C...........CC......

59 F F1b ..........CC......A...C...........CC......

27 M J1 .T..C.C.................T.................

18A M J1 .T..C.C.................Y.................

92 M M G...............T..................C......

90 F M .......A........T.........................

76 F U5a1a .......................T.T..............T.

86 F U5a1a .......................T.T..............T.



aHapp haplogroup.

(withhaplogroupDbeingthemostprevalent).Afew similartothosefoundinpreviousstudiesofthearea

sequencesbelongingtosubclustersB4b,D5orD5a,F1b, (Kolmanetal.1996;Comasetal.1998).

J1,G2a,U2orU5a1a—andsomethatprobablybelongedtoclusterM—werealsoobserved(Richardset Discussion



ropeanpopulations(Richardsetal.1996)wasfound. wasobtainedusingbiparental,paternal,andmaternal

Interestingly,someofthehaplotypesreportedhereare geneticsystemsinasampleof62humanskeletalremains

Keyser-Tracqui et al.: Genetic Analysis of a Xiongnu Population

exhumed from a cemetery dating from 12,000 years ago.

To the best of our knowledge, no equivalent molecular

analysis has been undertaken so far. Such a study was

possible because the Egyin Gol necropolis was mainly

composed of relatively well-preserved skeletons. Indeed,

the climatic conditions (cold and dry) and the archaeological context (architectural structure of the graves)

encountered at this site had undoubtedly protected the

recovered specimens against DNA degradation. Regarding DNA retrieval, PCR amplification results showed

three kinds of samples, as described elsewhere (Burger

et al. 1999): (i) samples in which sufficient DNA molecules were preserved and for which definite and reproducible genotypes or haplotypes could be determined;

(ii) samples in which DNA could be detected sporadically but without reproducible results; and (iii) samples

in which no DNA (or almost none) was preserved.

The choice of autosomal STR markers as a first approach for analyzing individual remains of the Egyin

Gol necropolis was based on (i) their high discriminatory power, in comparison with mtDNA analysis, as a

means to investigate close familial relationship; (ii) their

small size, which facilitates amplifications in old or degraded DNA; (iii) the possibility of amplifying several

of them simultaneously from minute amounts of DNA;

and (iv) their ability to indicate a result’s authenticity

(notably by comparing amplified products to the profiles

of all persons involved in the investigation).

The multiallelic DNA profiles obtained for 49 of the

ancient specimens were compared with each other. A

direct parental link was considered plausible if a pair

shared an allele at each of the nine loci tested; in this

manner, a total of nine pairs were identified as representing possible parent-child relationships. Moreover,

we could identify three children thought to have a common parent (individuals from graves 46, 52, and 54,

fathered by the individual from grave 50). The traditional parentage trio, with both parents, was encountered only once. This is not surprising, considering that

not all profiles were complete and that the number of

inhumations that occurred throughout more than four

centuries (the duration of the necropolis’s use) is relatively small.

To verify the accuracy of the biological relationships

deduced from autosomal STR data and to gain a higher

power of discrimination, the study of nonrecombining

marker systems, such as Y chromosome STRs and

mtDNA was undertaken. These analyses confirmed the

child or sibling status of some individuals (graves 35

and 36; 57, 58, and 59; 50, 46, 52, and 54; 70 and 72;

and 88 and 94) and the close genetic relationship between some others (graves 53 and 54, 82 and 83, and

53 and 69). In one case, however, discordant results

between the biparental and the two uniparental systems

were observed. Indeed, the multiallelic profiles obtained

from the skeletal remains recovered from graves 94 and

95 supported a biological relationship between them.

Nevertheless, because these two “relatives” had neither

the same Y haplotype nor the same mtDNA sequence,

we had to consider the possibility that the two specimens were genealogically unrelated (unless each of the

two sets of parents were siblings). For other pairs of

individuals (from graves 47 and 48, 63 and 65, 65 and

66, and 93 and 95), the validation of a close parental

link was not possible without knowing which was the

parent and which was the child.

Among other results, the Y chromosomal STR analysis revealed that one of the defined topographical sectors was exclusively composed of males of the same

patrilineage (the individuals from graves 48, 49, and

51 were female, and no bone samples were available

for specimens from graves 43–46A). The other males

found to share the same Y haplotype (graves 57 and

58; 88 and 94; and 70, 72, and 73) were also buried

close to each other. Such a grouping of male relatives

has never been demonstrated before for ancient specimens and provides an insight into the funeral practices

of ancient Eurasian tribes.

The maternal genetic inheritance, which was tested

through sequencing of the mtDNA HVI, revealed some

biological links. For example, children from graves

83bis and 91 might be considered to be relatives, since

they share an identical HVI sequence (table 3). Other

maternal links were revealed, such as those between

individuals from graves 65 and 77; 32A and 72; 28, 73,

and 74; 70 and both 88 and 94; and 18A and 27. In

some cases, heteroplasmies were observed. The possibility that these heteroplasmies resulted from contamination was invalidated by the fact that identical results

were obtained from DNA samples extracted and amplified in triplicate at different time intervals.

Nevertheless, the pitfall of contamination from extraneous human DNA is a major concern for researchers

working with human remains (Handt et al. 1994; Kolman and Tuross 2000) and should not be underrated.

Since some erroneous ancient DNA results have been

published, a number of “criteria of authenticity” need

to be fulfilled before results from ancient DNA analyses

can be taken to be genuine (Handt et al. 1994; Cooper

and Poinar 2000). In the present study, extensive precautions (described in the “Material and Methods” section) were taken to avoid the amplification of contaminating contemporary DNA molecules. Despite the fact

that not all reported criteria of authenticity could be

met, the possibility that our data arose from contaminating DNA was considered highly unlikely for the following reasons: (i) reproducible PCR results were obtained from multiple extractions and amplifications of

the same samples made at different times; (ii) multiallelic profiles were not mixtures of different individuals’

DNA and were not found to correspond to someone

involved in the present work (except once); (iii) the results of both sex typing methods (morphologic and genetic) were in accordance with each other; (iv) an inverse

relationship between amplification efficiency and length

of the amplification products was observed, especially

with STR markers; (v) the crystallinity index and the

carbon/nitrogen ratio determinations indicated no significant alteration of the bones (Nielsen-Marsh et al.

2000); (vi) a concordance was observed between data

obtained with the markers inherited biparentally, paternally, and maternally; (vii) mtDNA analysis of the

ancient sample revealed that most of the haplogroups

present were of Asian origin and that European maternal lineages identical to those of the excavators or

laboratory personnel (all of whom were of European

origin) were absent; (viii) the 16223 thymine-cytosine

transition was found in 76% of the ancient Egyin Gol

samples, a result close to that of Kolman et al. (1996),

who found it in 65% of Mongolian samples (compared

with 7% of European samples), and (ix) the level of

genetic diversity detected in the protohistoric population, as well as some of the haplotypes reported, are

similar to those obtained in modern Mongolian populations (authors’ unpublished data; Kolman et al. 1996).

Nevertheless, the test that confers the greatest level

of robustness is duplicate analysis by two independent

laboratories. This was not feasible in the present study,

because of the large number of subjects tested. Cloning

of the PCR products was not conceivable for the same

reason and is not really adapted to the study of STR.

Methods such as amino acid racemization and DNA

quantitation were not applied, mainly because they do

not allow the distinction between contaminated and

uncontaminated samples (Kolman and Tuross 2000).

Moreover, the proposed use of amino acid racemization

to estimate DNA survival in archaelogical bones is challenged by some authors (Collins et al. 1999). The fact

that the multiallelic profiles were repeatable from the

same—and different—DNA extracts of a specimen allowed us to consider that the number of starting templates was high enough to obtain reliable results and to

analyze mtDNA (for which the contamination problem

is worse). On the other hand, we subscribed to other

important criteria, such as the reiteration of the extraction and amplification steps, the sexing of the samples tested, and, foremost, the use of a molecular combined approach. Moreover, the bone samples studied

are not fossil remains and, consequently, are not prone

to high rates of DNA alteration.

A majority (89%) of the Xiongnu sequences can be

classified as belonging to an Asian haplogroup (A, B4b,

C, D4, D5 or D5a, or F1b), and nearly 11% belong to

European haplogroups (U2, U5a1a, and J1). This finding indicates that the contacts between European and

Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247–260, 2003

Asian populations were anterior to the Xiongnu culture,

and it confirms results reported for two samples from

an early 3rd century B.C. Scytho-Siberian population

(Clisson et al. 2002).

The genetic data obtained in the present study, in

addition to the topographical and radiocarbon data,

suggested hypotheses concerning the social history of

the necropolis. Around the 3rd century B.C., the grave

of an adult male (grave 28) had been dug on the southern part of the Egyin Gol valley (A sector). At a short

distance from him, a privileged man was also buried

(grave 27), as were other individuals, including those

found in double graves (graves 32/32A, 33/33A, 37/

37A, and 38/38A). Some of these surrounding graves

could be sacrificial burials, as has been reported elsewhere for one of them (Murail et al. 2000). This tradition of having double graves near an opulent one in

cemeteries containing individuals of high social class is

well documented, notably in the Sakka (another group

of nomadic people of the Eurasian steppes) and the Pazyryk cultures (Francfort et al. 2000). This ritual, at the

first developmental step of the cemetery, suggests that

the cultural influence of the “old Scythian spirit” was

already present in some nomadic families at the beginning of the Xiongnu empire. Although close genetic relationships could not be clearly established between ancient specimens of the A sector (because of the lack of

amplification results), a parent/child link was nevertheless shown between individuals in graves 32A and 33,

suggesting the possibility of burials based on familial


Some years later, a new sector of interment seems to

have been created (sector B). In this second sector, some

individuals shared mtDNA sequences with individuals

from the most ancient graves. (Thus, individuals from

graves 73 and 74, 18A, and 72 were found to share

mtDNA sequences with those from graves 28, 27, and

32A, respectively.) This result suggests that maternal

relatives of the individuals first buried might participate

in the extension of a new cemetery area. It should be

noted that, except for individuals from grave 18A, these

maternal relatives were buried close to each other. Two

of them (from graves 73 and 72) were from the same

paternal lineage. We can imagine that the creation of

this new burial area could be the result of tensions

between members of the ruling family. The fact that no

double graves were built could reflect the cultural rupture with the “old Scythian spirit.”

From the 2nd century B.C. to the 1st century A.D.,

the social organization of the necropolis cannot be

clearly deduced from the genetic data. Male and female

individuals from different paternal and maternal lineages were buried from south to north in the A sector

and from north to south in the B sector. Genetic analyses

revealed several familial groups buried close to each

Keyser-Tracqui et al.: Genetic Analysis of a Xiongnu Population

other, notably, one consisting of a father, mother, and

son. Since these three individuals were probably not

buried at the same time (the son appeared to be as old

as his parents), the family grouping was organized at

least one generation earlier. From these results, it seems

reasonable to speculate that the Xiongnu buried relatives together although the practice was not systematic.

During this period the site might have been the cemetery

of a social group with a significant genetic diversity, of

which only certain members were buried (the small

number of inhumations that occurred throughout more

than three centuries suggests that this Xiongnu tribe

probably had other sepulchral places).

After the fusion of the A and B sectors, new graves

were dug in the west. These graves correspond to a

group of genetically linked individuals, since they belong to a single paternal lineage. Interestingly, this paternal lineage has been, at least in part (6 of 7 STRs),

found in a present-day Turkish individual (Henke et al.

2001). Moreover, the mtDNA sequence shared by four

of these paternal relatives (from graves 46, 52, 54, and

57) were also found in a Turkish individuals (Comas et

al. 1996), suggesting a possible Turkish origin of these

ancient specimens. Two other individuals buried in the

B sector (graves 61 and 90) were characterized by

mtDNA sequences found in Turkish people (Calafell

1996; Richards et al. 2000). These data might reflect

the emergence at the end of the necropolis of a Turkish

component in the Xiongnu tribe.

In conclusion, our study shows how the use of genetic

markers of different mutability might provide an insight

into the history of past necropolises. It also provides

genetic data on ancient Eurasian specimens that could

help to confirm or disprove models developed from

modern genetic data to explain population history. Finally, it provides an excellent tool to select samples of

interest for interpopulation analyses.


This research was supported by a grant (Aide a` Projet Nouveau) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (to

E.C.). Additional support was provided by the Institut of Legal

Medicine of Strasbourg (postdoctoral contract) to C.K.-T. We

are indebted to P. Blandin, F.-X. Ricaut, and E. Tissier for their

help in this work. We would also like to thank P.-H. Giscard,

for the management of the excavations, P. Murail, for the classic anthropological study (ages and sex), and J. P. Verdier, for

the topographic study. The staff of J. Jaubert is also gratefully

acknowledged for help with the geological study of the valley

and the discovery of permafrost. We thank V. Balter and A.

Person for the crystallographic studies. The fieldwork was

made possible thanks to the Ministe`re des Affaires Etrange`res

(France) and UNESCO. We also thank S. Erdenebaatar and

D. Turbat from the Mongolian Academy for the codirection,

with P.-H. Giscard and E. Crube′zy, of the team in the field.


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Linkage of 匈奴 & Huns is "Inconclusive" !

Who did "匈奴尸体DNA " ?! Disclose the source.

"DNA testing of Hun remains has NOT proven conclusive in determining the origin of the Huns"



 引用 刪除 老刀   /   2007-05-28 11:02:36


 引用 刪除 dzi   /   2007-05-28 10:01:16

咱是不是要出部法律 禁止素質低滿嘴髒話的人上網發評論

 引用 刪除 皇帝   /   2007-05-28 09:58:21

有些人渣不配在這裡說話 白癡也可以談人類歷史 可笑 漢族沒有純粹血統體系 這早就被經過科學驗正 狂熱 盲目 單純的民主主義就是無知的表現 中華民族是個大家庭這是事實 我支援作者 文章寫的有深度

 引用 刪除 Guest   /   2007-05-28 09:36:26


 引用 刪除 Guest   /   2007-05-28 09:31:10

 引用 刪除 Guest   /   2007-05-28 09:26:29


 引用 刪除 草原來的   /   2007-05-28 09:19:52


 引用 刪除 flshyang   /   2007-05-28 00:12:34

你媽的肯定是美國的賊畜生! 解放歐洲的匈奴和中國本部的匈奴都是同一個的.解放歐亞大陸的蒙古人現在遍佈世界各地,有的甚至看起來十足一個西方鬼子的樣子,但你能說他們跟中國人種沒有任何關係?!中國的種族是純潔的,絕沒有黑白鬼子的基因,中國全體人民是永遠一致對外的。想顛覆東方人的信仰,你就得承認你們的“上帝”---耶穌是個畜生!!!

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《 The Merican Journal of Human Genetics》95具尸骨DNA最终确定古代匈奴时期的人种


是在位于蒙古北部Egyin Gol峡谷的一处墓地发现的,是一处匈奴时代(只是该时代的)尸骸遗址,共挖掘出属于不同时期的90多具尸骸。

3年前,三名法国学者Christine Keyser Tracqui,Eric Crubezy和Bertrand Ludes对这些古代尸骨进行了DNA测试,测试共分Nuclear DNA细胞核DNA和MitochondrialDNA(mtDNA)线粒体DNA两部分,最后确定了匈奴人的人种类型,他们是典型的亚洲人,和今天的蒙古、西伯利亚、中国人、朝鲜人、日本人有比较近似的人类发生学关系.而且没有发现欧洲人血统的影响。

他们的论文发表在最权威的遗传学学术刊物《merican Journal of Human Genetics》上(《美国人类遗传学杂志》),发表于2003年。

地址,位于蒙古北部Egyin Gol峡谷,在外蒙古首都乌兰巴托北部,北纬49度27分,东经103度30分。贝加尔湖正南方。













2007-3-9 21:50 欧元区



2007-3-10 17:15 氐羌人后裔

[quote]原帖由 [i]光速[/i] 于 2007-3-9 21:24 发表


如果你以前已经看过此文,请不要再说剩饭之类的话。 [/quote]


2007-3-11 09:44 谜雾

[quote]原帖由 [i]欧元区[/i] 于 2007-3-9 21:50 发表


如果HUNS是匈奴的话,在中亚待了几百年,黄种血统绝不会那么纯! [/quote]


2007-3-11 10:32 欧元区

[quote]原帖由 [i]谜雾[/i] 于 2007-3-11 09:44 发表

鲜卑人主要也是黄种人,五胡中只有羯是较明确的白种人。 [/quote]



[[i] 本帖最后由 欧元区 于 2007-3-11 10:34 编辑 [/i]]

2007-3-11 19:51 光速

[quote]原帖由 [i]氐羌人后裔[/i] 于 2007-3-10 17:15 发表

抱歉,上次是我失言了,说话太不懂礼貌.也是由于那个论坛上经常有人发一些别人说过N次的观点,看的有些烦了.你转的这篇文章还是很不错的.支持一下! [/quote]


2007-3-12 07:57 songkoro


2007-3-12 08:24 songkoro



我不明白 的是这么一点:如何确认他们就是匈奴人的?



2007-3-12 13:45 光速



但他原文里提到这个时期的匈奴是turkomongolian tribe,并且认为这个时期的尸体应该就是匈奴的,所以他后面提到骸骨时都说的匈奴(Xiongnu)一词

还有个词,不懂,Old Scythain Spirit是什么神灵?

2007-3-12 13:46 光速


2007-3-12 13:47 光速

2007-3-12 13:51 光速


2007-3-12 15:24 谜雾


2007-3-20 10:31 M@r!0

17楼“还有个词,不懂,Old Scythain Spirit是什么神灵?”


2007-4-3 02:13 Daic





2007-4-3 12:21 muguancai



2007-4-3 13:38 谜雾


2007-4-3 13:53 性手枪


2007-4-28 20:39 氐羌人后裔

[quote]原帖由 [i]谜雾[/i] 于 2007-4-3 13:38 发表

月氏如果真的在河西走廊生活过,应该和楼兰人一样,属于原始印欧人的后代.说月氏在漠南不妥,,漠南范围太大,河西走廊只是其中一部份. [/qu


2007-4-28 20:42 氐羌人后裔

[quote]原帖由 [i]性手枪[/i] 于 2007-4-3 13:53 发表

我记得以前看到过一篇文献,匈奴总体的种属当然是无法确定的了,有白种也有黄种,随分布的地区不同而不同,不过研究者注意到一个有趣的现象,在出土的墓葬中越是地位高的匈奴人越是具有更多的高加索特征? [/quote]


2007-4-28 21:40 wolfgang


2007-4-28 22:55 氐羌人后裔


2007-4-29 22:35 wolfgang


2007-4-29 23:06 氐羌人后裔


页: 1 [2] 3

查看完整版本: 《 The Merican Journal of Human Genetics》95具尸骨DNA最终确定古代匈奴时期的人种

2007-4-29 23:17 光速



2007-4-30 01:11 氐羌人后裔


当然东欧也有几个N2比例比较高的:Vepsas(17.9%),Komis(12.8%), Udmurts(28.7%), Maris (15.7%), Chuvashes(10.1%),但是他们的N2比例还是低于N3.


2007-4-30 01:24 氐羌人后裔

[quote]原帖由 [i]光速[/i] 于 2007-4-29 23:17 发表


复旦数据里汉族的10%↑的K,现在觉得主要就是N*,其次是O2*、NO、O*,基本没有真正的K [/quote]


2007-4-30 08:59 谜雾



2007-5-1 22:34 wolfgang


2007-5-1 22:41 wolfgang

