continue to 7788520, everything has a limitation, I may feel in love with some people like 20 years old, but i can say, any girl married a 80 year old is a money chaser, it has nothing to do with chinese who were all same before.
colourofwind 发表评论于
To 7788520: Agree with you, every people is different, but can any people here say with his conscience that it is possible for him to love a people 50 years elder, and can you ? 80 years, skin everything looks so different already. we are human, every people is human. OK?
colourofwind 发表评论于
I don't understand your people, when Zhi zi yi date a elder white, you all accused of her and think she do everything for money and promote herself; there is a lot of chinese girl married old or low level person because of money, no one say anything, i think they are even worse than Zhang zi yi; And Wen fan is the worst one among these money marring girls, she married a 82 year old, Don't paint gold on them because the old man is a scientist.Wen fan is so disgusting.
you are wrong, my American friend think it is crazy!
They said it can only happen in China, because ,in China, Nobel prize winner is way overrated~~~
你去Rockefeller University 听次报告, 全是诺奖和院士,在一起听报告的时候,搞不好会和你抢水喝。中国人喜欢造神,其实他们都是人,出色的人。我们尊重他们而不是神化他们。老杨的成就早已经是昔日黄花。但他在肉体上不甘心昔日黄花,因此才做出了反道德的举动。医学研究表明:80岁以上的男性的主要生殖器官都发生器质性退化,杨的狗拦八泡屎的贪婪自私违反道德规范的行为竟然得到那么多的国人推崇,是十分令人奇怪的。婚姻是自由的,但违背人类再生产底线的婚姻是不道德的。如果把这样的行为说成是什么:上帝给他的礼物呀,还有发表哪些不着4,6 的‘爱情诗’是对上帝和爱情的亵渎。是他自己堕落和道德沦丧的三点式的遮羞布。