Perplexing puzzles, pirates do.
U nder the watchful eyes of a crew.
Z ig- zag ‘round, the many ships,
Z esty rum filling their lips.
L anding at dock, ship full of PoE,
E nding the voyage, the ship starts to slow.
Pillaging the seven seas,
I ll-temperered, fighting as they please.
Rumble, swordfight, treasure drop,
A t the inn, they compete to the top,
Tired pirates collect their pay,
Endless fun awaits, next day!
Puzzle Pirate是她喜欢玩的游戏。
Pillaging:sailing across the seas in pirate talk.
Acrostic Poetry
In an acrostic poem, the letters of the subject are written down (vertically) to form the word of choice. Next to each letter, the poetic statement is written horizontally to express the subject in innovative ways.