~ Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~
Dear son, your dad'd told me about your phone conversation last night. I thought it through and will go with him this time. But with a suggestion for you: find yourself some time and go to a hospital serve as a nurse for just one day and see how you feel.
Remember when we'd tried very hard to convince you to stay in the engineer program but you were so getting into being a businessman. You'd changed your mind right after your interview in the wall street.
This is the part of your personality that keeps me worried all the time about you. Otherwise, you're a very nice young guy. I know there are too many things around you to make you change your mind all the time. But everything has a cost. So too many changes will reduce your opportunity to get a better life in the future as you've designed for yourself. Please remember: there is no such thing called 'Easy Life' ~~~ life is never easy. What you can do is just like Mother Teresa said: be faithful in small things~~~
Best wishes as always!
Love Mom
PS: Hope you enjoy my cooking post. Here are the links: ========================================================
In fact, nursing is becoming quite popular among male students now. Indeed it has quite a few benefits, though it's hard for us parents to accept this idea.
How is your son now? Is he still in moratorium/exploration?
山菊花 发表评论于
凛子 发表评论于
看到你这谈得这么热闹,也来支持一下。山菊花千万不要担心,很多男孩子成熟的都要晚一些。给他一点时间,他会知道自己真正喜欢什么的。这些在国外长大的孩子,他们最大的优势就在于不用背上要给自己父母长脸争气的包袱,他们更懂得It is your life,not other's 的道理。当然同时,有更广泛的选择自由往往也会叫人迷惘,一时拿不定主意,这非常的正常。不要担心,山菊花!
山菊花 发表评论于
enpga:你说得对~~~教育要从小抓起! 如果能培养孩子一些好习惯,将来终生受用无穷。
ncpga 发表评论于
A lot of education should be done before he is twelve years old.
我的同事常调侃地问我:Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?
我也常会调侃地回答:Are you kidding me, of course I want to be happy, who cares about to be right.
其实,“正确”与“快乐”并不冲突,它们是相关的。一个避重就轻、错误的抉择虽然会让你一时“轻松快乐”,但到头来你依然要面对错误抉择带来的后果,随之而来的便是“大不快乐”。 生活中,只要不是原则问题,我都会选择“快乐”over “正确”。 我有一个习惯,每当我要做决定时,我就会问自己:“In this situation, do I want to be right or do I want to be happy?”然后,根据自己当时的判断做出自认为最好的决定。当然,这些决定可能正确也可能不正确,但这并不重要,重要的是我做决定时的认真态度。
米兰,我们确实不担心他的能力。一路走来,也是尽力尊重孩子的选择。比如当初录取的学校中,若按我们的意愿,他最好选择加州的 CAL TECH。可他说不喜欢做科学研究,DUKE可以有更多的选择。想想也对,就去了DUKE。刚开始想学医,我们当然高兴。不过我也提醒他,学医需要有‘奉献’精神,要真正喜欢,否则苦不堪言。然后给了他一些例子,让他多想想。果然没多久就改变主意了~~~一年多的时间里改了N次主意。后来学校要求了学生做决定了,我们建议他老老实实呆在工程学院,毕业后再说~~~那时候人也成熟些了。他执意要改学数学和经济。他爸爸给他列举了一些可能碰到的问题,他都不为所动,十分坚决,所以我们就同意了。结果一次面试回来又怕苦想当逃兵~~~