AMZN: It broke out from its down trend line and 50 DMA. It's better for it to stay here under the green line for a few days then breaks out again.

BIDU: Any pull back is a good time to get in.

CHL: It just broke out from its down trendline and looks like to go higher.

BLK: This is a wide and loose pattern but it looks like it will break out from this base soon.

DRYS: I'll try some if it could get over the green line.

GOOG: buy on any pull back or right here.

GS: The blue down trend line and its 50 DMA place a very heavy resistance now. If it could not get over these GS will resume its down trend soon.

ISRG: This is one of the strongest stock right now and I'll try some around here.

LVS: Gaming stocks show some life during last time with WYNN broke out from its base. LVS, MGM and MPEL should follow the steps soon.

NDAQ: It's better this one could hold its 50 DMA.

RIG: A good trade for me on this one. Bought at 140 and sold at 144. I'll get back in if it could consolidate around here.

SNDK: After so many days down trend this one finally finds some big.

SOLF: Solar stocks are following its big brother FSLR.

SPWR: This one enters stage 2 base and better to wait a few more days to get back in.

POT: This weak close does not look good and means it will have some pull back during the next trading days.

RIMM: it could not follow through to the up side after its ER and it is not a good sign.