如意is 14 months old (with pictures)

如意 is just turn 14 months old, but she looks like big kid now. she walks well on her own (little bit slow on this area) but, she is a early speaker. i speak Chinese to her during the day, when her daddy is home or when i take her out for play date, i speak English to her. now she can say few words such as: 妈妈, 爸爸, 姥姥,阿姨,宝贝儿,棒 (when she think she did something great),掉(when she drop something), Leah (her name), hi, bye,poo-poo.
she strated use the toliet when she was 6 months old, she poo-poos once or twice a day, now is more like once a day in the morning, so i haven\'t change the poo-poo diaper ever since. (我得意的笑)

Leah and Daddy

Leah and Mommy (it is time for bed, so i don\'t have any makeup on, 请不要 扔砖头 )
