1 .暂停交易。 Chat with DQers
2 .外出走走。 Spa and Shopping
3 .从全新的立场来观察行情。Chat with DQers
4 .认赔后重新出场。Cut the loss --- not a good strategy I prefer wooden chicken
5 .设想自己遨游于市场。Day dream in my park
6 .回归到最根本的层面。no need for me
7 .检讨交易计划。Chart review everyday
8 .务必要准备资金管理计划。This is most important
9 .严格遵守计划。No good for me. I like change my plan suddenly
10 .像专业交易者一样思考。I don\'t know how the pro think, but i do what i think
11 .不要再期待,采取实际的行动。I use it all the time
12 .设定务实目标。This is most bullshit target plan. I don\'t have a target always. The market gives out your target.
13 .寻找专业协助。Pay to learn? if your mentor makes money why they charge for help?
14 .采用催眠方法。we sleep every night - no need!
15 .瑜伽运动。how about 太级
16 .到健身房运动。this is a must!