(2)The Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors investigators whose contributions have improved the clinical treatment of patients.
(3)The Lasker-Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science honors scientists whose contributions to research are of unique magnitude and have immeasurable influence on the course of science, health, or medicine, and whose professional careers have engendered within the biomedical community the deepest feelings of awe and respect.
(4)The Mary Woodard Lasker Public Service Award honors men and women who have helped make possible the federal legislation and funding that supports research, and who have created public communication, public health, and advocacy programs of major importance.
说屠呦呦的临床奖与诺奖无缘,并不是贬低她的工作。而只是说她的工作只有重大的临床意义,而不具有诺贝尔奖要求的基础性和原创性。 她这个工作的贡献,和工业界的JOBS的贡献比,很有一些相似性。原创性虽然不足,但社会意义非常重大。
相关链接: 通俗解读屠呦呦获奖(2):青蒿素的前世今生