我们在北部玩了4天,回到家已经是7pm,我非常惊奇的发现Erica的东西还在房间,人却不见了.我的床上放了信,她写"I'm so sorry…"我有点呆了,感觉就像被她abandoned.
第2天回家路上,我不小心摔进路边小水沟,被Shawn拉上来后,发现衣服都沾了臭黑水,只好跑到树林里重新穿上在学校换下的湿衣.到家后发现又是停水停电, 我就很忍不住的跑进房间哭了,guess my pressure and frustration have built to the breaking point!
突然就想起来anger is as a stone cast into a wasp's nest and causing people to do and say some regrettable things. 我冷却后, 整理好心情重新再写,告诉她我很想念每天和她睡前的聊天,想念周末出去玩的快乐, 想念她把raw plantain当成banana吃掉后的heartburn, 想念停电时我用照明灯照脸扮鬼突然跳出来,吓到她乱跳尖叫,写到最后我很难过的哭了…
当我回了所有邮件准备logout时又收到她的信,感觉她就在online等我. 她说betrayed the promise & faith回到家后很后悔很guilty. 她从来没有在orphanage工作过, 现实非常beyond her imagination, 看到我生malaria差点死掉她非常害怕, 后来她被tsetse fly咬了,因为没有勇气说再见就趁独立日出游偷偷的离开了.(因为Tsetse fly可能会引起trypanosomiasis which also known as sleeping sickness)
我回复请她好好检查身体make sure everything's ok, and stop beatin’herself up over such trivia, 因为所有的事都是上帝的安排, 我还会像以前那样爱她, 回国时我会把她行李带回来, 再写我到北部旅行的趣事. 走出internet café 时突然就感觉很轻松, Erica给我的负面情绪已经消失了.
周7独自去别的church, 因为平时去的church有很多人认识我.没有意外, 我又被请上台讲话. 我介绍了自己并说来做volunteer 10 weeks但过了28天就想逃了, 虽然头脑叫我撑住但身体却很软弱撑不住啦, I desperately need God give me the strength and lead me on the right path! 讲着讲着我就忍不住的哭了, 我想我在Ghana应该是被哭神附身了, 经常很忍不住的流泪…
The pastor gave me a big hug and a warm smile, he kissed my forehead and then inspired me with some very kind words “XXX, thank u so much for crossing the ocean for us, u r an angel sent from God, u brought us a beautiful miracle, a miracle of finding, knowing and loving, we thank God for giving us the incredible opportunity to embrace the amazing love. Jesus knows the pain u feel, he can save and heal u. The only thing u need to do is take your burden to the Lord and leave it there, if u trust and never doubt, he will bring u out for sure……&*@#$%&*&^$#*^%$....”
我站在台上看着台下的人群激动的向天空举手大声的喊hallelujah, 不知为什么突然我就带着眼泪的笑出来了. 当我走下台, 大家都向我走过来, 很热情的hug me, kiss me and pray 4 me. 从那1刻起我就决定留下来, cuz I know God brought me here for a reason and he got a special plan for me!