西裔的迅猛增加(一是西裔维持着较高的生育率,二是美国政府的“偷渡---大赦---刺激偷渡---大赦”的循环,使得西裔从墨西哥移民到美国的人数持续增加),根据USA Census Bureau的资料可以预测出:从现在起大约三十六年后的2050年左右,西裔占到总人口的四分之一甚至30%。从现在算起大约六十年后,西裔便超过白人,而白人占总人口的三分之一。剩下的不足三分之一则基本上由非裔和亚裔组成。
The new balance will arise on the ruin of old balance. The two parties self-balanced during the last 200 years during which they have switched roles completely.
The beauty of US system is that the transition is always gradual and slow, but it's happening. Dem and GOP used to be the same party, there will be a lot more changes to them. If GOP can't adapt to the new demographically change, it will phase out of US politics and be replaced by a section of its own or even a branch from Dems.
If you have faith, believe mother nature will do the work beautifully.
wuweisanren 发表评论于
If US population grows to 400-500 million after 60 years, US will still be the dominant nation in the world because China's population will shrink to about the same size.
Also if European's native birth rate continue to dwindle, 50% of European will be Muslins. Europe will likely be severing its close tie with US since the continent will turn to much more hostile to US and East Asia/Russia.
wuweisanren 发表评论于
The total population of Mexico is only 112 million or so. Even if mexico merge with US, it only counts 1/4 as of today.
As the economy in Mexico develop over time, the birth rate will be less and less, finally it will get close to US's birth rate.
There are very few Mexicans non-working population in US. They are hard working people with laid-back attitude. The next generation Latinos are more and more integrated with American culture so I would urge my child to learn Spanish.
Latinos will be the driving force for America in the next 50 years, so be comfortable with that and get along well with them.
I don't see anything wrong with it.