Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" – she always called me Elwood – "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.
Thank you for your comment! I totally agree with you. Have a nice weekend to you too :-)
Ben007 发表评论于
回复 'AP24' 的评论 :
I'd want both if both Smartness and Beauty(or Pleasant Appearance)are aimed at the right way. Would choose neither if they are intended for the wrong cause.
On second thought, so much as diligience,effort, etc. can make up for one's Smartness. I'd choose beauty or pleasant appearance as a no brainer. Happy weekend.
"A person is pleasant"., 而是他是否了解人性并加以利用。 你说乔布斯想要讨好别人的时候可以pleasant, 不在乎的时候可以伤人很深。难道这句话不是适用于所有人么?不管如何讨厌的人总有他/她善待的那几个人,可能是亲人,朋友或者爱人。而如果一个人真的想讨好另一个人,有这种心愿其实任务已经完成了一半。通常我们认为一个人不pleasant不是因为那个人试图对我们好而技巧不够,而是因为那个人根本不把我们放在心上,从而表现出冷漠,自我中心,有意或者无意的伤害了我们的感情。
可能有的人无意伤害别人,但是因为表达方式不得法,被认为冷漠或者恶意。乔布斯则干脆认为多数人不值得他友善对待,因为那些人根本不算数。一般人没两把刷子,是没法使用他这种策略而不被贴上“令人讨厌的自大狂”的标签的。他的管理方式是典型的“控制结果,要求品质,管你在这过程中怎么感受”。多数管理学的书籍和理论并不推荐这种风格,大概也是应为成功的例子非常少,对应用人要求非常高。比如你要求手下做事完美,服从你的想法, 那么你最好自己做事更完美,并且绝大多数决定都是正确的,否则下属肯定不服。
回复 'nightrose' 的评论 :
这个你错了啊。我看过Steve Jobs Book by Walter Isaacson. Steve Jobs很懂人性的,他想pleasant,就能非常的pleasant, 他想hurt谁的话,就能非常稳准狠地刺伤他,而且心里很清楚那人被他刺伤得很厉害,他不CARE。Steve Jobs 非常会manipulate human mind。
I'd choose 聪明, not cleverness, or smartness, but wisdom.
On the other hand, either 聪明 or 美丽 would be wasted on a coward.
So the brave ones don't need to choose; come what may.
The weaklings will suffer, no matter what they choose.