我读了两遍,都是读出声的。后来安吉娅回家了,我把信递给她,让她再大声读一遍给我听。安吉娅说我口气里带着不容拒绝的命令。其实,我的内心在那一刻格外 柔软,温暖,舒畅,怎么表达? 反正,当安吉娅带着夸张的表情大声朗读的时候,我却莫名其妙提着一桶水,跑去浇灌后院静静绽放的“永恒之爱“ - 那棵纪念父亲的玫瑰花。
Dear mommy,
I miss you so much, I haven’t seen you since the last time you and dad came to visit me, but even though that was only 2-3weeks ago, it feels like months, I really hope that you celebrated your birthday well, and I am so sat that I couldn’t be there to celebrate it with you, I wish I could have given you hugs and kisses and made you your favorite – banana bread, but when I come home for thanksgiving I will be more than happy to do that.
Ever since I have been at college, things haven’t been the same, I am a lot more independent, but I am a lot more homesick and reminiscent of things that I love and care about, like Kevin, dad, you, teddy, Joanne, Vivian, Michelle, Fremont high school, Andrea, our house, your chicken soup and dumplings, laying in your bed with Teddy, going out to eat sushi and pho together, and so much more being away from home ,really makes me appreciate the things I have a lot more, and that’s why sometimes I get so sad knowing that I could have treated you, dad, and Kevin better, I miss everything,… laughing and fighting, crying and loving each other, I just wish I could have been more appreciative at times.
I feel like you, da and Kevin have done so much for me, more than I deserve, and I thank god every day for that support and blessing, I want to make sure I will always make you guys proud and to learn from my mistakes, I want to never take you guys for granted anymore and I always want to make sure we, as a family, will always stay strong.
I love you guys so much and I can’t wait to see you all during thanksgiving.
我很想念你,自从上次你和爸爸南下来看望我之后,我们分离也不过两三个星期,但是我却感觉与你们分别有一个月那样久远了。我真心希望你的生日过得开心满 足,不能与你一起祝福生日,我很遗憾。我多么希望能拥抱你,亲吻你,给你烤你最喜欢吃的香蕉面包。我想,等我感恩节回到家的时候, 这些甚至更多的愿望都可以为你去做了。
虽然我上了大学后,许多东西都发生了变化,比如我更独立了,但是同时,我也害了思乡病,常常睹物思情。我想念哥哥,爸爸,你,憨豆,简,薇儿,米歇尔,弗 里蒙高中,我们的家,你做的鸡汤,还有饺子;我怀念我搂着憨豆躺在你床上的慵懒时光,还有你带我们一起去吃日本料理和越南河粉。。。
更多来自家庭的美好回忆,让我越来越懂得感恩,也越来越体会到,原来我是那么的富有。 而所有这些珍贵的回忆,有时会让我陷入悲伤,我想,如果那时我能对待你,爸爸和哥哥更好一点,该是多么好啊。我想念过去的一切,欢笑和争吵,哭泣和彼此相 爱。我希望我能更懂得珍惜和感恩时光。