Dr. Joe中小学英语写作课堂美国杂志推荐系列
Dr. Joe中小学英语写作课堂美国杂志推荐系列
广泛地阅读主流杂志对于提高同学们的阅读、写作、讲演、社交以及SAT/ACT等考试的能力来说都具有重要的意义。Dr. Joe和团队通过精心筛选,为学生和家长推荐了一批美国杂志,供大家参考阅读,这个系列将分为High School Series, Middle School Series 以及Elementary School Series。今天推出的是High School Series。
Dr. Joe American Magazines for Students
High School Series
1. The Atlantic
It was created as a literary and cultural commentarymagazine, growing to achieve a national reputation as a high-quality reviewwith a moderate worldview.
The magazine was reformatted as a general editorialmagazine. Focusing on "foreign affairs, politics, and the economy [as well as] cultural trends," it is now primarily aimed at a target audience of serious national readers and "thought leaders."
The magazine has won more National Magazine Awards thanany other monthly magazine.
我们的主讲老师Dr. Joe获得美国Speechand Mass Communication博士,多年教授美国大学生英语写作和讲演课,是经验丰富理论深厚的写作和讲演名师,我们的教材全部是Dr.Joe亲自编纂或指导的。
我们的英语写作课是以英语写作、阅读、讲演为核心,带动学生的英语学习、使用、考试(SAT, ACT, AP, SSAT等)和社交能力全面开花的真正精品。学生跟班学习,优秀的更优秀,不够优秀的变优秀。家长和学生们纷纷称赞我们的英语写作课是世界级的优质课程。
家里有孩子想试听课的请联系 Susan:
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