4. 我深知,Freedom is not free. 需要付出代价。但不管代价多高,比起美国基本理念,都值得支付,也必须支付。美国价值,不打折扣。我们无法看着战火中的无辜平民流离失所而袖手旁观。我们不能为了省下几个钱让母亲和儿童露宿街头挨饿受冻。我们不能拆散无证移民家庭让他们亲人不能团聚。我们是现代文明人,看着我们的同类受苦受难,我们良心谴责。损有余补不足,共生共享,互利互惠,乃是人间正道。民主社会,正是建立在这种道德高地上的理想国。而政府,就是一个巨大的平衡器,要拿出资源,让弱势者得到保护,让流离者有家可归,让社会保持平衡。这是符合所有社会成员的长远利益的,当然包括我们自己。
You’re more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by a terrorist
Consider, for instance, that since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Americans have been no more likely to die at the hands of terrorists than being crushed to death by unstable televisions and furniture. Meanwhile, in the time it has taken you to read until this point, at least one American has died from a heart attack. Within the hour, a fellow citizen will have died from skin cancer. Roughly five minutes after that, a military veteran will commit suicide. And by the time you turn the lights off to sleep this evening, somewhere around 100 Americans will have died throughout the day in vehicular accidents – the equivalent of “a plane full of people crashing, killing everyone on board, every single day.” Daniel Kahneman, professor emeritus at Princeton University, has observed that “[e]ven in countries that have been targets of intensive terror campaigns, such as Israel, the weekly number of casualties almost never [comes] close to the number of traffic deaths.”
See https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/11/23/youre-more-likely-to-be-fatally-crushed-by-furniture-than-killed-by-a-terrorist/
Were you illegal by then? Do you open your door all the time and to all the people? What is the definition of a country? If you cannot answered the basic questions that you are not in the position to criticize the others.