喝火令。春风感怀 Sparkling Spring
By Teresa Translated by Albert Kung (March 3, 2018)
似柳拂波底, breathing willows on surging waves
风华叶里香。 fragrance rustle in dancing paves
伺空无碍聚春光。 spring embrace in whiffing air
得获东君青眼, where your eyes touch, touch with flare
花下带妆行。 between the flowers only lass to stare
漫舞娉婷燕, wafting dance, indulging glance
乾坤分数量。 a world to embrace with plenty of stance
梦中说梦几思量: where dreamers dream with memories gleam
一梦生香, dreaming flowers
一梦镜花黄。 dreaming of hue
一梦乱吹飞雪, dreaming snowflakes
再地老天荒。 of a universe of you