听了2首。挺好的。:) 12 MAJOR SCALE 我也记不住 = =。即使弹也是C-G弹得稍微熟一点。
我刚刚学习的时候也想到了爬山这个比喻 :)
晨思 发表评论于
回复 '带娃是持久战' 的评论 : one idea i like about what he said is : in learning piano& music, you have to be flexible in the approach you are taking, like water flowing thru, if it doesn't work certain way, take a detour , and takes whatever ways that works for you. after all, it is the journey which we enjoy the most not necessarily the end result. he is a composer but also a philosopher.
晨思 发表评论于
回复 '带娃是持久战' 的评论 :
you can listen to his composition: https://soundcloud.com/danthecomposer
after watching his youtube, 被打回beginner's原型了,if i dont have all 12 major scales memorized, not yet qualified to learn further ,haha. i believe internal piano concept applies to expert pianists like him, i am still down below, trying to climb the highest mountain in front of me :)
he has 220+ youtube, i read his blog article below and podcast.
youtube related to internal piano
带娃是持久战 发表评论于
回复 '晨思' 的评论 :
慢一点是会容易一些。即兴是很有趣的 :)) 你说的 internal piano concept 有没有最有代表性的一集YOUTUBE? 我刚刚看的一集是怎么学习新曲子的。他说主要记住那种感觉。适合有范本的情况。但是如果是全新,没人弹过,或者网上没有示范的曲子,就还是要自己看谱子了。
晨思 发表评论于
it looks hard but it's actually easy to learn for beginners, it is very repetitive in nature, pro plays 2min15s , i have to play for 3mins 45s... i watched a few youtube 最后啃琴谱学会的,it boost my confidence in music learning. i downloaded musicscore, so fun! i sometimes improvise on my piano as well for fun, playing some chord progression, chords sounds cool and beautiful. i also have a chord book (360 chords).
danthecomposer have a lot of youtube video, i love his teaching, he talked about internal piano concept, you don't even need piano to play piano, some pro players use the technique.i found it fascinating, our mind is so powerful.