在2020年3月12日,“外交部发言人”赵立坚在他代表“外交部”的对外 Twitter 账号上说“It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”
试想,赵立坚同志虽然是“血口喷人”,可是,习总书记未必知道赵立坚同志是在玩“义和团”游戏。川普如不把病毒的起因是“中国的病毒”说清楚,习总书记对“US army who brought epidemic to Wuhan”信以为真,出于对宪法职责规定“保卫国家”的忠实,亲自带队率领“辽宁舰”编队驶入华盛顿外海的 Chesapeake Bay,找川普要个交待,那不是会伤害更大的感情吗?
所以, 赵立坚同志引起的“中国的病毒”问题,确实是伤了许多感情,不过呢,伤感情的事已经发生了。
文革传人 发表评论于
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : Welcome to my blog. When a "good story" is told (I am trying to tell "good stories"), it should start from a known fact, the "hurting of feeling for many Chinese people" is a fact. As for the root of the hurting, is the story I am telling here. Come and visit again. Be safe and healthy, nightrider.
Edition to my last post: Let us not be muddle headed about who hurt the feeling as well as physical welfare of all Chinese, whether in China, in America or elsewhere in every nook and cranny of the world, along with all other ethnicities of America and all other nationalities of the whole of humanity.
nightrider 发表评论于
I agree with almost all of what you said as well as your past blogs. Well written!
However, you asked "川普该不该称这个新冠病毒为“中国的病毒”呢?不该。因为他如此说会伤了许多在美国的华裔的感情。而绝大多数的在美华裔确实不曾带新冠病毒来美国。" I strongly disagree. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing calling a virus by the location of its first discovery or its its origin. It has been a long held medical tradition. Should Spaniards and Hispanics complain about the name Spanish flu? The Connecticutans the Lyme disease? The Teutonic people fume over German measles? The Africans over Ebola virus? West Niles? etc. etc etc. The fuss or discomfort over the name comes from nowhere but the virus of political correctness, low self esteem and a self-victimization complex as well as ignorance of medical convention.
I completely understand where you are coming from. But this protestation is misdirected. I do think calling the corona virus CCP virus is more precise and effective. Let us not be muddle headed about who hurt the feeling as well as physical welfare of all Chinese, whether in China, in America or elsewhere in every nook and cranny of the world. It is the CCP, Chinese Communist Party! It is truly the evil, the virus of the highest virulence of humanity. 赵立坚 is but a speck of feces in the gigantic scumbag that is CCP. This virus needs to be exterminated.