不过我的理由很简单,他聪明啊。我可不是因为他演过Alan Turing或者福尔摩斯才这么说,是我追ELLE UK,他经常被请出来打岔,我喜欢他朴实忠厚里的机智幽默,和华人演员里很少见的坦然淡定——这样说当然不是很客观,我都20年没关注过华人演员,只是偶尔点开别人贴的综艺节目,发现连三分钟都看不进去,太闹了。
说这个当然有点跑题,其实是查到Albert Camus的照片之后没忍住多扫了一眼,不错啊,电影明星一样,必须承认,哲学家里,不多见(欧洲人当他是哲学家的成分大过文学家)。
很像吧,Humphrey Bogart。我们本地有个电视台是政府出资,一般没什么商业广告但是也没钱买新片,经常会拿5,60年代老电影填空,我跟着看了不少以前只听过没见过的老片,当然少不了他。
好吧,我想说,Camus我能看进去,是因为他写的聪明。写的聪明通透的文字,读起来心悦神怡,浮生红尘中能够遇到,的确属于属于geistliche Segnungen。
Camus是1957年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,委员会给他的评论是,for his important literary production, which with clear-signed earnestness illuminates the problem of human conscience in our times。当时的Camus只有44岁,是历史上第二年轻的文学奖获得者(再年轻的是英国人Rudyard Kipling),所以他在获奖感言里说,A man almost young, rich only in his doubts and his work still in progress(这段视频YouTube可以找到,他说法语,英文字幕)。
The Stranger开篇,Mama died today. Or Yesterday maybe, I don'T know. i got a telegram from the home,Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesn't mean anything. Maybe yesterday.
这个风格,同Kafka或者Dostoevsky非常接近。我相信Camus受他们俩影响很大,因为在Myth of Sisyphus里Camus用很大的篇幅来讨论这两个,包括作品和人。
我说的Kafka是Franz Kafka,可不是这个
The Stragner和The Plague(英文版)我都看了,都非常短。The Plague200页多一点,The Stragner只有120页,随便在凳子上多做一会儿也翻完了。所以这种书看完留下的不是情节内容,是感觉。如同其他路边风景,过了也就过了,再回望也许已经花叶模糊,忘不了的,是当时的感觉。
既然提到The Myth of Sisyphus,就顺着这个往下说。
这本书的全称是,The Myth of Sisyphus and other Essays。The Myth of Sisyphus是其中最短的一篇(没数字数,纯粹个人感觉)。诺贝尔委员会的评价“the problem of human conscience in our times”应该和它的主题最有关。正如Camus自己在文里写的,It attempts to resolve the problem of suicide, as The Rebel attempts to resolve that of murder, in both cases without the aid of eternal values which, temporarily perhaps, are absent or distorted in contemporary Europe。
很简单,Camus并不同意人应该自由选择死亡。他提倡的Absurdism是,世界是purposeless, meaningless, rationalless的,作为人,只能接受这一点,但是这也恰恰给了人Freiheit,在这种meaningless里创造出meaning来。There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy....Even if one does not believe in God, Suicide is not legitimate。
Absurd对Camus来说,完全就是一种感觉,It happens that the stage sets collapse. Rising, streetcar, four hours in the office or the factory, meal, streetcar, four hours of work, meal, sleep, and Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday according to the same rhythm—this path is easily followed most of the time.
另外一个他描述的场景,A man is talking on the telephone behind a glass partition; you cannot hear him, but you see his incomprehensible dumb show: you wonder
why he is alive。这个画面,好像被很多实验派电影拿去用,不知道他们是互相谁抄谁。
It may be thought that suicide follows revolt—but wrongly. For it does not represent the logical outcome of revolt. It is just the contrary by the consent it presupposes. Suicide, like the leap, is acceptance at its extreme...The absurd man can only drain everything to the bitter end, and deplete himself.
宗教,是人们喜欢选择的逃离这种absurd的第二个出口,人们通过宗教寻找生或者死的(包括死后)的意义。同Satre一样,Camus被世人普遍认为是典型的Atheist,——被他自己否定,I don't believe in God but I am not an Atheist,有说法是,这种叫“有信仰的无神论者”。
代表人物还有谁?另一个Albert啦,Albert Einstein。
并且,Camus认为把宗教当出口,属于,Philosophical Suicide。他认为这是一种人放弃对自己的信任的行为,You know the alternative: either we are not free and God the all-powerful is responsible for evil. Or we are free and responsible but God is not all powerful. All the scholastic subtleties have neither added anything to nor subtracted anything from the acuteness of this paradox.
我看到一个说法,在法国,Camus一直生活在Satre 的阴影中,因为有太多共性。同Satre一样的还包括,Camus也曾经是坚定的共产主义支持者,不过很快被自己否定,因为他不再赞同“人不是为了自己活着,而是为了更高的理想活着”这种理念,他认为这种Ideologie是对人的一种欺骗和愚弄。也正是因为这种根本的分歧,导致了Camus和Satre的决裂。
既然人终究无法逃避absurd,那只有诚实面对,Camus说,“在没有认识到absurd之前,每个人都好像生活有目标,关注未来和公正,相信机会处处有,自己属于somebody,人生可以掌控,方向明确。In truth, he acts as if he were free, even if all the facts make a point of contradicting that liberty...... But after the absurd, everything is upset. Death is there as the only reality.
不是的。Camus给出了两个观解释。1,find freedom in giving themselves。正是因为没有神,所以人变得secretly free,比如可以坦然面对死亡(Camus认为死亡是最absurd的现象之一)。2,absurd is the principle of the only reasonable freedom: that which a human heart can experience and live。一个absurd的人看世界,一切都是既定,超越它的一切都是崩溃和虚无。 因此,He can then decide to accept such a universe and draw from it his strength, his refusal to hope, and the unyielding evidence of a life without consolation.
而Camus写到,Sisyphus is the absurd hero. he is as much through his passion as through his torture...he is super hero to his fate. he is stronger than his rock。