they suck\'d in/Richard Cumberland1812

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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There are several authors named Richard Cumberland. Here are a few examples: 1. Richard Cumberland (1631-1718) - An English philosopher and bishop who wrote on moral and political philosophy. 2. Richard Cumberland (1732-1811) - An English dramatist and philosopher known for his plays, including "The West Indian" and "The Fashionable Lover." 3. Richard Cumberland (1848-1926) - An American playwright and novelist who wrote popular works such as "The Money Spinner" and "The American Girl." 4. Richard Cumberland (1880-1966) - An English author and playwright who wrote novels like "The Abyss" and "The Great Affair." 5. Richard Cumberland (born 1948) - A contemporary British author known for his novels and plays, including "The Glass Bathyscaphe" and "Words with Music." Please specify which Richard Cumberland you are referring to for a more accurate answer.

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一本1812年的小書 (转)

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楊道還 9/24/2023


我的藏書中,有本1812年的小書,Retrospection: A Poem in Familiar Verse,作者Richard Cumberland.




這個問題,以前買書時我是遇到過的。那是個樂呵呵的白人中年婦女書商。我不時在她那裏買書,一來二去混得臉熟了。有一次,這樣問,我開玩笑說:「No, for decoration only。」這是個很難回答的問題,原因有二。一,這些老書禁不起太多翻閱,小心翼翼地翻頁,怎麽讀?二,講到讀,我得能看得懂才行。看不懂,怎麽能叫讀?






英國的Richard Cumberland(s),有兩個。一個是功利主義哲學家,一個是他的孫子,以劇作家聞名。這很混亂,但想起法國的路易若幹,也還罷了。我私下以為,因為人名的問題,法國史不比中國史容易讀:能找到的路易還好,名不見經傳的那些路易,怎麽辦?


這兩個人名下Wiki,都沒這本書。用谷歌深度搜索,才解決了這個問題。有人在上個世紀初,研究了這個劇作家,Richard Cumberland: His Life and Dramatic Works (Stanley Thomas Williams, 1917)。這本書在書後的作品列表中。我手上这本書是美國出版的,英國第一版是在1811年。





I found how many men were only great,

When seen at distance, owing all their bulk

And stature to the magnifying mist:


The operation of that subtle gas,

…… they suck'd in,


…… sets the ladder for the Knave to mount.

When seen at distance , owing all their bulk And stature to the magnifying mist : For , on a nearer view , I chiefly saw The operation of that subtle gas , Which flattery introduc'd , and they suck'd in , Till , gorg'd and swollen with ...
此段是節錄,原文可見  。


TJKCB 发表评论于
Based on the information you provided, the excerpt you mentioned can be found on page 336 of the book you linked. In this passage, the speaker reflects on how some individuals appear impressive and larger than life when seen from a distance due to a magnifying mist. However, upon closer inspection, the speaker realizes that their perceived greatness is primarily a result of flattery and the absorption of this subtle gas of flattery. These individuals become engorged and swollen with the praise they receive, which ultimately shapes their reputation and stature.