“The US is now allowed to seize Russian state assets”
The new U.S. law requires the president and Treasury Department to start locating Russian assets in the U.S. within 90 days and to report back to Congress within 180 days.
A month after that period, the president will be allowed to “seize, confiscate, transfer, or vest” any Russian state sovereign assets, including any interest, within U.S. jurisdictions.
红米2015 发表评论于
yingz8899 发表评论于
回复 '平等性' 的评论 : 谢谢光临留言。
yingz8899 发表评论于
回复 'smithmaella' 的评论 : 俄罗斯仅买有数千万美国国债。Seized的资产是有形或无形的东西,美国在俄罗斯投资的更多。现在,西方冻结了俄罗斯2千多亿美金资产,俄罗斯也有西方投入的2千多亿美金资产,或少一些。在美国,仅有俄罗斯50亿美金,现在政府要将Frozen的50亿美金Seize,还有二道关口,法律依据和法院判决。“The frozen assets are immobilized and can't be accessed by Moscow — but they still belong to Russia. While governments can generally freeze property without difficulty, turning that property into forfeited assets that can be sold for the benefit of Ukraine requires an extra layer of judicial procedure, including a legal basis and adjudication in a court.“
May 10, 2024
WASHINGTON (AP) — The big U.S. aid package for Ukraine and other allies that President Joe Biden signed Wednesday also allows the administration to seize Russian state assets located in the U.S. and use them for the benefit of Kyiv.