英国伦敦市民 看俄-乌杀戮



























现在就像是的军事预算可能会增加,而且我认为这在俄罗斯是一个非常有争议的问题,因为我有俄罗斯朋友,我记得他们说,他们的祖母就像巴布什卡一样,他们仍然是普京的忠实粉丝,嗯,你知道,我认为这就像代沟,就像老年人已经非常固定了他们的方式,而年轻人则非常沮丧,我认为这太过分了,你知道,太多了,就 MoneyWise 而言,你要支付两倍的费用,比如过去 50 便士,现在是 100 便士,100 便士,你知道我无法判断这一点,但我确实认为生活成本的上升帮助我们理解了我们必须如何摆脱对石油的依赖,我认为生活成本的大幅上涨是我们离开我认为欧盟已经影响到了我们,我认为人们很难理解物价上涨对俄罗斯人民的影响有多大,我不知道石油等物价上涨对生活成本危机的影响有多大,我很难说我没有去过俄罗斯,至少从我所看到的情况来看,任何来自俄罗斯的媒体都没有偏见,我认为俄罗斯永远不会成为可靠的能源,而且这种事情总是不可避免的,嗯,这不是真的问你的问题,所以不,我不这么认为,我认为俄罗斯比我们更有效,然后你的个人经历,你觉得受到了影响,是的,不,我认为一切都上涨了,我觉得现在很难看到一家商店的销售额超过 10 美元,所以它只是一些小东西,比如你肯定会注意到,呃,不会比他们影响的更多,我不认为你可以比较这两个,因为这是两个不同的,非常不同,但我确实认为这对大多数人、家庭等都有很大的影响,但你认为谁比他们在俄罗斯那边更糟糕,我不认为我们对生命的恐惧和那里一样多,我对此了解不够,无法回答这个问题,我的意思是,能源危机、供暖和冬天的所有这类事情都是任何人都可以谈论的,但公平地说,我不知道制裁对俄罗斯的影响有多大,反过来说,我不得不承认,如果我真的认真地想想,是的,英国的战争,我不会称之为战争,对乌克兰的攻击对世界经济有直接影响,所以我认为这本身就是一个问题,如果你考虑到事实上,我们刚刚走出疫情,很多公司都遭受了损失,所以我认为还有很多其他因素,这些因素可能造成我们目前处于困境,不仅仅是俄罗斯,但我认为他们确实发挥了重要作用,我们可以制造自己的磷,我们自己的化学品来给土地施肥,是的,乌克兰很大一部分被征服,没有生产,但还有其他国家可以维持这种局面,例如巴西、美国、法国、西班牙、埃及,很多国家可以维持世界,不一定是这样,是的,全球一直都有战争,但在疫情之后,很多呃









they're giving all this money away to

the war in Ukraine that's not nice you

should go to do you think of the price increase in

the UK did the sanctions affect us more

than they did in Russia well the sanctions have affect the UK there's no

doubt about that rent prices have gone

up prices and all Goods have gone up and that's problematic for us here

and it's difficult it makes life harder

made life personally harder for me I

can't say how hard it's affect Russia or

not I don't know it's very difficult in

this day age to to really know truth

about someone else's country so much

disinformation I think that it's something that we've just got

to accept that it has affected us but I think within

Russia they will be suffering badly and

they have no need there's no reason to

increasing the places in the living

places yeah yeah that's that's he hold

put he hold that key for the gas and the

petrol whatever they hold the key make

people suffering in here that's not nice

that's not nice you should go to h i I

don't know the situation in Russia but

um I imagine Putin's have protected

Russia to some extent so um I you know

without knowing much I would assume that

the UK is worse off than Russia um and

yeah my personal opinion on the price

increase is that it sucks uh prices are

already so expensive uh with inflation

and just general General things going on

in the economy and then we just Chuck in

Chuck in a civil war it just makes

things a lot worse so yeah not not not

happy I can't I can't judge no comment

can't judge okay no it's all it meant to

it meant to happen after covid you know

it's not really NE necessarily related

to the Russian Uh Russian industry there's plenty of land in Africa in

Europe after communism a lot of Eastern block manufacturers got shut

down because of nonprofit or they didn't

find enough markets but now it's opportunity for most of the Eastern

European countries to to start producing

again and uh make profit not necessarily

everything needs to come from Russia it

needs to be a Russian uh uh relation to

the war in Ukraine I would probably less

than Russia um I mean I I'm not an expert but I think the Russian economy

is certainly doing worse but I would say

that um saying that you know the price

increases here are because of the war is

an excuse that the government likes to

use to get out of trouble for the problems economic problems that they've

cost I have absolutely no idea uh were

they gas prices or just that general

cost of living like yeah cost of living

um I think the Russians are probably

going through a hard time the Russian

general Russian population are also

going through a hard time um I I don't

know if it's affected us more than them

we're living in London which has got

some of the most affer people in the

world and they don't suffering from this

it's it's always the poorest of society

who end up suffering the most during

this cost of living well any kind of

Crisis financially and the rich don't

get any poorer um hard to say really um

I mean there's so many things at at play

including a dread Dreadful Tory

government yes why do you think so

because we've got this cost of living

crisis where the gas going up the

electric going up people can't afford it

they haven't go to food banks having to

keep the heating off if they can't afford it and they're giving all this

money away to the war in Ukraine and the Russian people are kept

in the dark from what I can understand about what is actually going

on in Russia to Ukraine they seem to

think it's yeah it's fine but a lot of

them they have no idea what's going on

God knows I don't know I'm not clever

enough to know that stuff I I don't it's

obviously not ideal for Russia but I

think they will weather it and I think

the fact Putin's just kept going with a

special military operation is evidence

that the sanctions probably aren't enough I I think he made a deal he

actually had a meeting with like India's

prime minister really recently and China

taking a neutral stance so I think he'll

still be able to trade with them and

they're obviously two massive countries

so I think econom ially they'll be they

they will probably weather it and I'm

not sure he really cares you know like

that's the problem with any country

that's just sort of oil funded is you

can basically um just like boost an

economy without actually producing any

productivity for the people like

actually increasing work of productivity

uh so I think it is hitting them hard

but probably not not doing what it needs

to I don't really know to be honest petrol was bad for a while

but I feel like it's mellowed now yeah I

don't know enough about about that to be

honest no comment I think in the long

term it's going to be quite bad for for

just like the Russian people not so much

I mean Russia will probably still increase their like hard

powers or their military because they

have probably one of the biggest like

hard power um systems in the world with

all the military personnel and the and the tanks and you know

everything but I think for the Russian

people it's definitely going to get a

lot worse cuz with a dictator like that

they I mean he's definitely shown he

doesn't care about the people all he

cares about is just increasing his

military power and his um uh domination

across Europe yeah uh definitely um if

anything I feel like he's gaining it's

like Russia gaining from this if

anything we're losing you know um life's

only getting harder for everyone

and cost of living that's going to be a

problem forever now they've only just

introduced it now but it's been an issue

so more than Russ no I don't think so I don't think

they've affected us more than Russia but you've have you felt impacted

by the sanctions yeah by the price

increase I mean yeah but I wouldn't know

if that's specifically to do just Russia

or out we've come out of the pandemic as

well increase in just life um I think

it's a worldwide thing um we just sort need to look at

everything and sort of readjust and

rethink things and yes of course it has affected

us but we need to rethink we can't just

rely on certain countries and yeah and

the worst thing is now he doesn't really

have like an escape an escape pad like

he's basically a war criminal now so no

it's not like he can really go go back

on this and actually get elected

democratically or anything like he's

just he's going to just have to keep

doing what he's doing um and yeah what what you were saying

like one of the saddest things I think

is now all countries are probably going

to have to expand their militaries a bit

and personally I'm against like big

military spending so I think it's sad

that now just like yeah military

budget's probably going to go up and

also I think it's like a very divisive

issue in Russia like because I have

Russian friends and I remember they

saying like their grandmas they're like

Babushka saying like they're still B

massive fan of Putin and and um you know

I think it's like a generational Gap

right like where the old people have

very setting their ways and the young

people are just so frustrated I think

it's pretty it's a oh too much you

know uh too much in terms of what

MoneyWise and you're paying twice

what something like 50p for like past

now 100 P 100 P you know I wouldn't be

able to judge on that but I certainly

think the rise in the cost of living has

helped us understand how we've got to

get away from Reliance on oil and I

think the greater rise in the cost of

living has been our leaving the European

Union I think they have affected us and

I think it's it's difficult for people

with prices going up how much they've

affected people in Russia I don't as in

increasing like oil and stuff like that

the cost of living crisis effectively I

it's hard to say I'm not out in Russia

and it's kind of hard to like for me at

least from what I've seen to kind of see

any media come out of Russia that's not

kind of have a biased some way I think o is is never going to be a

reliable source of power anyway and

something like this is always inevitable

um that's not really ask your question

so no I don't think so I think I think

russer is more effective than than we

are and then your personal experience

you feel affected by it yeah yeah no

definitely I think everything's gone up

I feel like it's kind of hard to see a

shop now that go over like 10 so it's

just stuff small stuff like that you

notice for sure uh not more than they're

affecting I don't think that you can

compare the two cuz it's two different

very different like but I do think that

it's a big impact on most people

families Etc but do you think who wor s

than they are over there in Russia I

don't think I don't think we're fearing

life as much as there I don't know

enough about that to answer that I mean


energy crisis and heating and all that

kind of stuff in winter is all that

anyone can talk about but um to be fair

I don't know how badly the sanctions

have affected Russia going the other way

I have to admit that um if I think about

it really and truly um yes the war in UK the I w't call it a

war the attacking into Ukraine has a direct

impact on um um on the world economy and

um so I think that in itself was an

issue um also if you consider the fact

that we just came out of covid a lot of

companies suffered so there are loads of

other factors I think that could um play

uh um into the reasons why we are we we

are at the moment not just um the Russia

but I think they do play big factor

there we can make we can make our own

phosphor our our own chemicals to

fertilize the land and yes it's a big

portion of Ukraine that is conquered and

is not producing but there is other

countries that can they can sustain that

Brazil for example United States of

America France Spain uh Egypt plenty of countri that can sustain the

world not necessarily that yes it's it's

always been Wars around the around the

glob but after covid a lot of uh

manufacturers have shut down so that's

another link to the price increase and

the inflation not necessarily everything

has to do with Russia fighting Ukraine


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