大选自上而下的组织系统 群众运动成功的一个重要因素,是完善有效的组织系统。 1 拜登退选给贺锦丽留下一个完整的竞选组织,而民主党全国委员会的正常运转,也为民主党2024年大选的正常操作, 提供了不可缺少的保障。贺锦丽团队的选情分析主管 Simon Rosenberg 乐观地说,民主党在资金,各级组织的统一行动(从党内大佬克林顿/奥巴马亲自出面为集会站台,到多位州长亲赴摇摆州,帮助基层组织激励民主党选民出来投票)这些大选获胜的必要元素上,都远远优于共和党。 2 被川普的儿媳妇接管的共和党全国委员会内部混乱,无所事事,且资金贫乏,失去了统一协调的功能。连续3届竞选,让川普的普通支持者厌倦了对川普的捐款,导致竞选资金主要来自个别超级富豪的捐款,如马斯克,从而无法与贺锦丽团队匹敌。竞选初期川普巨额的官司费用,更让其竞选团队的操作资金在关键的冲刺时刻捉襟见衬,不得不将大选的基层操作外包给马斯克。 川普在2021年1月6日指挥国会山暴乱的事实,让共和党各级大佬不要说公开为川普竞选站台,不公开出来与之决裂,已经是给川普最大的面子了, 使得川普只有马斯克跑前跑后替他张罗。对美国大选操作毫无经验的马斯克,除了打出造谣/诬陷这些没有底线的广告外,对基层助选催票几乎是空白,最终会被川普指责为"成事不足败事有余"的替罪羊。 作为世界首富,愚蠢地直接掺和美国政治操作的马斯克,将成为美国政治斗争的炮灰,最后因缺少赴火星避难的盘缠而受困地球,带领Trump身后的MAGA余部,在沙漠中靠喝沙子度日,愁等 Judgement Day 的到来。马斯克很快会失望地发现, 自己不是上帝, 美国比南非大。
总攻的冲锋号 1 大选到了冲刺阶段,但一贯昂扬的川普却变得沉寂下来,推掉了诸多采访,取消了与贺锦丽的第二次辩论,甚至把Town Hall meeting 改为音乐会,让自己回避观众的提问。有报道说,川普团队对外解释,紧锣密鼓的竞选让川普有些力不从心,心力憔碎。 在最近公开讲演中川普表现出的一系列清晰无误的词不达意,让我想到拜登退选前令人提心吊胆的公开讲话。面对被时间追上的川普的含糊其辞,我能体会川普支持者们现在的心情: 在发起总攻的时刻,领军人川普突然 lost his mojo, 找不到冲锋号了。
2 贺锦丽团队的选情分析主管 Simon Rosenberg 说,大选期间总统候选人辩论,是提升士气的最佳机会。但川普取消了常规下的第二次辩论,让辩论一定获胜的贺锦丽失去了一次鼓舞民主党士气的宝贵机会。而贺锦丽10月16日接受Fox News 的采访,补上了这一机会。 无论川普的支持者如何靠否定贺锦丽的表现来"夜行人吹口哨",主持人代表川普咄咄逼人/但老生常谈的提问,并没有对贺锦丽造成任何"新的伤害"。恰恰相反,面对无礼/不公平的采访方式,贺锦丽镇定自若,先礼后兵地从"礼貌回应到坚定地予以反驳"。她痛斥川普"要用军队对付持不同政见者"时表现出不容置疑的坚定,让屡屡打断她说话的主持人心虚地安静下来,任由贺锦丽在川普的大本营中,掷地有声地教育川普,美国的核心意义是什么。
3 为了守卫这个意义,贺锦丽的搭档 Tim Walz 在竞选中常用一句话激励士气, "We'll leave it on the field, we'll have plenty of time to sleep after we are dead (我们要将一切都留在沙场上,死后我们有足够的时间安眠")。在今后两周民主党全面向胜利冲击的浪潮下,那些依然犹豫不决的选民, 将选择与胜利方站在一边。贺锦丽接受福克斯采访时对美国不容置疑的解释/捍卫,吹响了民主党大选总攻的冲锋号:
"Once more onto the breath, dear friends, once more, Or close the wall up with our English dead..." (Henry V, Act 3, Scene 1) "向着失守的阵地再冲一次,朋友们,再冲一次!
或让我们用英军将士的身躯将那个缺口堵住!" (亨利五世,第3场,第2幕)
回复 'ShalakoW' 的评论 : Trump's behaviors are purly (politically) suicidal, that's why I don't think Trump'll got another chance this time either.
And - as non-American living across the Atlantic I don't like ANYONE pro-Putin, nor am I a fan of American Isolationism (that, and Neo-Confederacy & what it represent) in general.
So, I don't want to be "Stabbed-in-the-back" from the west of the Atlantic, while Russia's only Baltic away...
neshershahor 发表评论于
回复 'ShalakoW' 的评论 : 現在這個階段兩邊都在使出渾身解朮“一定要去投票+投我一票”,所以……there's not much to say on media, only: fingers crossed
ShalakoW 发表评论于
@chc_magnet and neshershanor,
You are right, this Trump's Generals of Hitler news is a big deal.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
@chc_magnet and neshershanor,
I believe J6 event has most significantly changed the political land-field in this election cycle, and compelled a lot of Republicans and previous Trump-voters to vote for Harris this time around.
It had also been one of the major reasons for me to question the credibility of the polls in general, before I finally gave up on them altogether.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
@neshershahor and chc_magnet,
我感觉,在早期投票中高于常规的共和党选民的投票中,a good part 是投给贺锦丽的。现在媒体只是笼统的给出早期投票中民主党/共和党选民的投票比例(没人知道他们具体投给谁), 是媒体炒作"胶着大选"的把戏,以图增加收视率。
neshershahor 发表评论于
回复 'chc_magnet' 的评论 : I really feel lucky that I went to a European Gymnasium instead of an American high-school...
During his time in office, Trump once said, \"I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.\"John Kelly has now confirmed this request: \"Surely you can\'t mean Hitler\'s generals? And he said, \'Yeah, yeah, Hitler\'s generals.\'
ShalakoW 发表评论于
chc_magnet:... Let's fight a good fight.
Exactly, and win the fight.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
Thank you.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
Thank you.
feiteng 发表评论于
ShalakoW 发表评论于
Haven't you realized that the conversation you initialized makes no more sense than wasting people's time?
Come back not.
What is your point? I am sure Trump’s answer will be more coherent. He attacked Harris’s intelligence so all Trumpsters took it as a Bible verse, 脑残。
baojj 发表评论于
Q: "How much is 2+2 ?"
A: "Let's just get to the point. Numbers are what make it possible to count in a meaningful fashion, to add and subtract, and they're a topic everyone should be familiar with. Coming from a middle-class background where everyone took care of their lawns, my position hasn't changed on that, and I know you know what I'm talking about, and how significant the passage of time can be. Next question."
chc_magnet: As a 71 year’s old grandma, I have voted for my three little granddaughters. let’s fight a good fight!
You did the right thing, not only for your granddaughters, but also for the country.
Thank you.