可以看NIH自己出的通知:“Last year, $9B of the $35B that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) granted for research was used for administrative overhead, what is known as "indirect costs." Today, NIH lowered the maximum indirect cost rate research institutions can charge the government to 15%, above what many major foundations allow and much lower than the 60%+ that some institutions charge the government today. This change will save more than $4B a year effective immediately.”
没有看到信的原文,但是耶鲁每日新闻这样报道:“ The United States Department of Health and Human Services wrote to the News that cutting indirect cost rates will ensure more funding is directed to research rather than overhead.”
雅美之途 发表评论于
今天的耶鲁每日新闻:“ This Monday, the National Institutes of Health will significantly cut funding for indirect research costs. Researchers rely on it to fund critical infrastructure, including laboratory space, research staff, compliance regulations and even utilities.
NIH research grants are accompanied by funding for administrative expenses, known as reimbursements for indirect research costs. The NIH announced that it would reduce the reimbursement rate for indirect research costs to a flat 15 percent, significantly lower than the rates many institutions currently receive, some as high as 60 percent. The move, framed by the NIH as a way to direct more funding toward scientific research rather than administrative costs, has been met with alarm by university leaders, researchers and policymakers. ”
硅谷工匠 发表评论于
luckystarweiwei 发表评论于
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'Tianpu001' 的评论 : 言过其实,你健盘敲出的东西不能重复。
alanshou 发表评论于
Tianpu001 发表评论于
医学研究相当独特——它不是基础研究,缺乏明确的规律性和成熟的理论体系。大多数生物和医学论文都是描述性的,很难上升到理论层面,但现在经常是研究人员发现个例所谓的“新现象”即发表顶刊文章,以凸显研究的高大上。医学研究方法也 属于应用研究,但往往与医院、医生和医疗公司的实际工作脱节,因此,大多数医学研究成果并没有直接的实际应用。这也造成了NIH 的研究既不同于 NSF 的基础研究,也不同于 DOE、DOD 和 NASA 等机构的应用研究。
硅谷工匠 发表评论于
For most "successful professors" from China, NIH money is the crown jewel, but just ot survive and pay summer salary. However, successful "connected professors" have other sources, such as DARPA black money, medicine companies, and even USAID. Most successful professors are Jewish, like Silverman of Northwestern and Langer of MIT. These guys do translation extremely well and really turns research to gold.
valore 发表评论于
没说医学经费不能减少。这次NIH主动减overhead, 好过马斯克插手,NIH项目本来就是公开的。结果影响的是各大学从indirect cost里拿到的钱,不是PI。如果有些项目消耗的indirect cost大过overhead covered,也许后果是学校以后不支持这样的project申请。不论怎样,大学要为消减做出调整。马斯克更大的破坏来自于对敏感数据的获取,在没有监管的情况下,在违法的情况下。他的conflict of interest情况只需自行决定。一切都只是刚刚开始。川粉马粉别着急,一定会让你们好好奉献的。
No, Musk is fighting rampant corruption and headless waste.
Musk is in business. Most professors are just nerds (like I was before), no offense.
The taxer payer cares about corruption, not efficiency. Efficiency is just a good name for corruption and waste.
If you are a university researcher, then you get paid from the tax collected to do your favorite research. You are actually in the establishment. You are in the comfort zone. Most Americans are not in the comfort zone. They voted for Trump. They voted for change.
不少人忽视马斯克的纳粹手势,为他找借口。加上他在德国afd rally的发言,move beyond nazi guilt, preserve German culture, against global elites, 等等,和他母亲家族对nazi支持的历史,雇佣的 big ball对人种优化的推崇,他对reproduction 的热衷,想让女员工接受他的精子,他的真实愿景和动机更加值得关注和担忧。
A decision by The National Institutes of Health to reduce funding for grants will have a major and long-lasting impact on medical research in the US. Effective immediately, NIH announced that all new grants will have a 15% payment cap for indirect costs. Indirect costs pay for facilities, research infrastructure, capital expenses, maintenance, and administrative expenses supporting 300,000 researchers and 2500 universities, research institutions, and academic centers. Indirect costs at leading academic institutions are often above 60% (Hopkins 67.5%, Yale 63.7%, Harvard 69%) 。
at least there is action on overhead at universities and colleges. these leaders have no control over the cost so the tuition is huge for average americans.
河套人 发表评论于
老美说的: “Be Careful What You Wish For”[Doge]
极右的川普是红脖子老美创造的 humongous Monster, 反过来会 bite your Rednecks sorry ass [Facepalm]