加拿大總理緊急電視演說!痛批川普讓美國與盟友撕裂 百年友誼不再?加拿大人很傷心!杜魯道宣布「反擊美國到底,絕不讓加拿大人被傷害
YouTube 2025年3月4日
加拿大人是通情达理的,我们也很有礼貌,但我们不会在战斗中退缩,除非我们的国家和国家,美国关税于今天凌晨生效,每个人的福祉都受到威胁,加拿大的回应也是如此。加拿大将对价值 150 亿美元的美国商品征收 25% 的关税,首先立即对价值300亿美元的美国商品征收关税,并在 21 天内对剩余的 1250 亿美元美国商品征收关税。我们还将通过向世界贸易组织和 USMCA 提出争端解决索赔来挑战这些非法行为,但与此同时,我们的关税将一直存在,直到美国取消关税为止,一刻也不能提前,如果这些关税不停止,我们正在与各省和地区进行积极和持续的讨论,以采取多项非关税措施,这些措施将表明贸易战中没有赢家,就像我一个月前做的那样,我想首先直接对美国人民说,我们不希望这样,我们想和你们一起作为朋友和盟友,我们也不想看到你们受到伤害,但你们的政府选择这样对待你们,从今天早上开始,市场下跌,通货膨胀将在你们全国范围内大幅上升,你们的政府选择让美国的数千个工作场所面临工作风险,这些工作场所的成功是因为加拿大的材料或加拿大的消费者,或者两者兼而有之,他们选择提高美国消费者在日常必需品(如食品杂货和汽油)上的成本,在主要购买(如汽车和房屋)上的成本,以及介于两者之间的一切,他们选择损害美国国家安全,阻碍美国获取丰富的关键矿产、能源、建筑材料和化肥我们有,美国需要发展和繁荣,他们选择发动贸易战,这首先会伤害美国家庭,他们选择破坏自己的议程,这本应为美国开启一个新的黄金时代,但他们却选择破坏我们共同为解决芬太尼祸害所做的令人难以置信的工作,芬太尼是一种必须从地球上消灭的毒品,所以在这一点上,让我明确一点,这些关税绝对没有任何理由或需要,现在,贵国政府用来征收这些关税的法律借口是加拿大显然不愿意帮助打击合法的芬太尼,这完全是错误的,让我们看看事实,我们的边境已经很安全了,流入美国的芬太尼远不到1%,非法越境的不到1%来自加拿大,但我们采取行动是因为我们知道我们总能做得更好,我们回应了包括总统的关切,实施了一项雄心勃勃的13亿美元边境计划,该计划包括对新人工智能和 IM 成像工具的世代投资,以阻止芬内尔的流动,加强与美国机构的协调和信息共享,以及部署无人机、直升机和额外人员,以确保我们的边境安全,一个月前,作为与美国达成的暂停关税协议的一部分,我们做出了进一步的承诺,我们任命凯文兄弟为我们的芬内尔扎尔,他将其执法生涯中的多年职业生涯献给了打击有组织犯罪网络和贩毒活动,我们将七个贩毒集团指定为恐怖组织,这些邪恶的团体玩世不恭地从边境两边人民的痛苦和苦难中获利,就在昨天,我们启动了一项新的联合行动伙伴关系,由加拿大安全和执法机构之间的 2 亿美元投资支持,这一伙伴关系将加强信息协调和情报,以挫败参与非法芬尼贸易的犯罪团伙,至关重要的是,我们的行动正在发挥作用,美国各州,美国海关和边境保护局刚刚承认,与12月相比,1月份芬尼缴获量下降了97%,1月份缴获量接近于零,不到半盎司,尽管我们在边境采取了所有进一步的执法和行动,但我们还是加强了与总统及其政府的密切和建设性接触,我们履行了所有承诺,我们信守诺言,我们这样做是因为我们相信共同努力保护我们的公民,现在我想直接与一位特定的美国人唐纳德交谈,在你我共同努力的八年多里,我们做了大事,我们签署了一项历史性的协议,为我们两国创造??了创纪录的就业机会和增长,我们在世界舞台上共同做了大事,就像加拿大和美国几十年来共同做的那样几代人以来,现在我们应该共同努力,确保加拿大總理緊急電視演說!痛批川普讓美國與盟友撕裂 百年友誼不再?加拿大人很傷心!杜魯道宣布「反擊美國到底,絕不讓加拿大人被傷害。在一个非常不确定和充满挑战的世界中为北美人创造更大的繁荣现在我并不习惯同意华尔街日报的观点但唐纳德他们指出即使你是一个非常聪明的人这也是一件非常愚蠢的事情我们两个朋友的战斗正是我们在世界各地的对手想要看到的现在对我的加拿大同胞我想粉饰它这将是艰难的即使我们都会团结起来因为这就是我们所做的我们将使用我们掌握的一切工具以便加拿大工人和企业能够度过这场风暴从扩大EI福利并使其更加灵活到为企业提供直接支持我们将在需要时提供帮助但加拿大不会犯错无论这种情况持续多久无论代价如何联邦政府和其他政府部门都会为你而来我们将捍卫加拿大的就业机会我们将采取措施防止威胁加拿大公司的掠夺性行为因为影响这场贸易战让他们面临被收购的风险,我们将不懈地战斗以保护我们的经济,我们将每时每刻为加拿大人挺身而出,因为这个国家值得为之而战,我们以前也经历过艰难困苦,但每次我们面对困难和看似无法克服的障碍时,我们不仅生存了下来,而且变得比以往任何时候都更强大,因为在保卫我们伟大的国家时,没有我们不愿意付出的代价,今天也不例外。
加拿大總理緊急電視演說!痛批川普讓美國與盟友撕裂 百年友誼不再?加拿大人很傷心!杜魯道宣布「反擊美國到底,絕不讓加拿大人被傷害
Canadians are reasonable and we are polite but we will not back down from a fight not when our country and the well-being of everyone in it is at stake at the moment the US tariffs came into effect in the early hours of this morning and so did the Canadian response Canada will be implementing 25% tariffs against $15 billion worth of American Goods starting with tariffs on $30 billion worth of goods immediately and tariffs
on the remaining $125 billion of American Products in 21 days time today we will also be challenging these illegal actions by filing dispute resolution claims at the World Trade
Organization and through the usmca but in the meantime our tariffs will remain in place until the US tariffs are withdrawn and not a moment sooner and should these tariffs not
cease we are in active and ongoing discussions with provinces and territories to pursue several non-tariff measures measures which will demonstrate that there are no winners in a trade War now just like I did a month ago I want to speak first directly to the
American people we don't want this we want to work with you as a friend and Ally and
we don't want to see you hurt either but your government has chosen to do this to you as of this morning markets are down and inflation is set to rise dramatically all across your country your government has chosen to put American jobs at risk at the thousands of workplaces that succeed because of materials from Canada or because of consumers in Canada or both they've chosen to raise costs for American consumers on everyday essential items like groceries and gas on major purchases like cars and homes and everything in between they've chosen to harm American National Security impeding access to the Abundant critical minerals Energy building materials and fertilizers that we have and that the United States needs to grow and prosper they've chosen to launch a trade
war that will first and foremost harm American families they've chosen to sabot
their own agenda That was supposed to usher in a new golden age for the United
States and they've chosen to undermine the incredible work we've done together
to tackle the scourge that is fenal a drug that must be wiped from the face of
the Earth so on that point let me be Crystal
Clear there is absolutely no justif a or
need whatsoever for these tariffs
today now the legal pretext your
government is using to bring in these
tariffs is that Canada is apparently
unwilling to help in the fight against a
legal fentanyl well that is totally
false let's look at the facts our border is already safe and
secure far less than 1% of fenel flows
and less than 1% of illegal Crossings
into the United States comes from Canada
but we acted because we know we can
always do better we responded to concerns
including from the president by
implementing an ambitious $1.3 billion
border plan a border plan that includes
generational investments in new Ai and
IM Imaging tools to stop the flow of
fenel in its tracks stronger
coordination and information sharing
with American agencies along with the
deployment of drones helicopters and
additional Personnel to keep our border
secure now a month ago as part of an
agreement with the United States that
paused the tariffs we made further
commitments we appointed Kevin bro as
our fenel Zar a man who dedicated his
multi- deade career in law enforcement
to combating organized crime networks
and drug trafficking we designated seven drug
cartels sick evil groups who cynically
profit off the pain and suffering of
people on both sides of the Border as
the terrorist organizations that they
are and just yesterday we launched a new
joint operations partnership supported
by a $200 million investment between
Canada's security and law enforcement
agencies a partnership that will enhance
the coordination of information and
intelligence in order to thwart criminal
gangs involved in the illegal fenel
trade and critically our actions are
working as the US states as the US
Customs and Border Protection just
acknowledged there was a 97% drop in fenal seizures
from January compared to December to a
near zero low of less than half an ounce
seized in January even with all the
further enforcements and actions we've
taken at the borders in some we stepped up we engaged
closely and constructively with the
president and his administration we did
everything we promise we stuck to our word and we did it because we believe in
working together to protect our
citizens now I want to speak directly to
one specific American Donald in the over eight years you and I
have worked together we've done big
things we signed a historic deal that
has created record jobs and growth in
both of our countries we've done big things together
on the world stage as Canada and the US
have done together for decades for
generations and now we should be working
together to ensure even greater
prosperity for North Americans in a very
uncertain and challenging world
now it's not in my Habit to agree with
the Wall Street Journal but Donald they
point out that even though you're a very
smart guy this is a very dumb thing to
do we two friends fighting is exactly
what our opponents around the world want to see and now to my fellow Canadians I wanton sugarcoat it this is going to be tough even though we're all going to pull together because that's what we do we will use every tool at our disposal so Canadian workers and businesses can weather this storm from expanding EI benefits and making them more flexible to providing direct supports to businesses we will be there as needed to help but Canada make no mistake no matter how how long this lasts no matter what the cost the federal government and other orders of government will be there for you we will defend Canadian jobs we will take measures to prevent predatory behavior that threatens Canadian companies because of the impacts of this trade War leaving them open to takeovers we will relentlessly fight to protect our economy we will stand up for Canadians every every single second of every single day because this country is worth fighting for now we've been through tough spots before but every time we've faced long odds and seemingly insurmountable obstacles we've not only survive we've emerged stronger than ever because when it comes defending our great nation there is no price we all aren't willing to pay and today is no different.
1,806 条评论
@Brain914 1天前
@stevenhua1877 1天前
8@JinRyangKR 1天前(修改过)
分享加拿大新聞,是因為這是美國今天的熱點新聞,不是因為我個人立場,一些人不要用瞎掰的眼睛來看待世界,川普的演說 我分享的更多,會員專區就不止三次中文精準翻譯川普的演說,如果你們覺得要每天看川普,那可以直接搜尋「Trump」,我這裡只是分享國際上重點的新聞。
@idrisli8627 1天前
@-mrt9598 1天前
@cyyji7847 1天前
@nicholasch7196 1天前
@劉孟慈-s6g 1天前
說著最溫柔的話, 用著最有禮的態度, 做著美國最惡夢的事.
@radakid21 1天前(修改过)
很優質的演說,交代原由,對美國與自己的國人說出自己立場, 明確且同步國人的信念,這才是國家要的領導人, 反觀......
@Luther84695 1天前
@s9157473 1天前
@FredLiang-f4b 3小时前
@linlin1520 21小时前
@LiMr9 1天前(修改过)
威武不能屈, 勇者永無懼 團結是力量, 我們存正氣, 行正道的中國人, 也站在您們歐洲各國, 北約成員, 烏克蘭, 加拿大, 墨西哥的一邊, 永遠支持您們, 擺脫惡魔本質, 獨裁血液的蘇俄的武力威壓, 致使您們後代子子孫孫從此有安樂茶飯食, 永遠能享有不再受威嚇的自由 當然, 新一代的中國, 亦將與所有獨裁國家斷交的;人權法治, 民主公義, 都是我們所擁護, 合乎天地人, 三界的價值觀, 人生觀及世界觀的了!
@dbr3721 1天前
最佩服特鲁多的演讲水平, 掷地有声,不偏不倚, 秉持普世价值. 与疫情期间的演讲一样,让人感动。虽然不是一个成功的政治家,但绝对是一个世界顶流演讲家。加拿大虽然一直跟随美国,但从现在开始价值观开始走出独立,远超美国的国际信誉。加油加拿大!
@charlottel1615 1天前
@偉新李 1天前
@edenwong3451 1天前
@Jessica-zg1ig 23小时前
@kennix567 2小时前
@lamclate956 23小时前(修改过)
@kitt5410 1天前
@blakeshih 1天前
@jacktsai5075 1天前
@wt2475 1天前
@user-oc5fucck 1天前
@朱辰恩-x5b 1天前
@RZH2023 1天前
We hate dictators and bullies. We stand with Canadian!
@張興丞 1天前
@陳進益-x6u 1天前
very good speech, very good response.
@aesm363 16小时前
@chaselchao7111 1天前
@杜仲-w7f 1小时前
@oswellleung9826 1天前
@kingkong-on1tp 1天前
@JinRyangKR 1天前
@shan5276 1天前
@swup1347 1天前
@wilson730101 1天前
@wingleung2493 1天前
@lavenderlove2024 3小时前(修改过)
@黃毅-u1u 1天前
@janisepeng5012 1天前
@LisaTsuji 23小时前
陳老師您好,(我不是川粉,只想說加拿大的毒品芬太尼的問題)一段演說是不夠的,有時間可讓人了解一下中國的毒品芬太尼,怎樣經度魯多之手遺害美,加青少年,說明兩位總統為何交惡理據,就知道為何百年友誼不再的~因與果...才是真實的News! 謝謝你goodvibes