?About Him:
He loves a famous painting by Monet, ‘Sunrise’; You may see a lot attached to his posts.
Born and raised in Shanghai, he saw this cosmopolitan city changed from old to new. He observed the change in lost of the old streets, in the speedy rush towards the modernization. He experienced this changing that challenges people's the feelings, emotions, and values of a nation. He did marketing for an European watch brand and had been traveled to cities in China, and some parts of Europe; In 2004 he moved and settled in Burlington, where he lived with his family. He soon found out that merging with the diversities in his life in Canada offers broader possibilities, views, and much to write.
He found Blog-writing a new channel for his passion. Writing should be true to the inner feelings. He writes about his feelings and love in life, learning, work and observations in Northern America, fresh ideas that originated from his insights and visions tackling various aspects of modern life.
Blogging?? he says: "it's a handy tool, even for self edification and finding a soul..." His lust in life made him an interesting man with many hobbies: Cooking, Sports, Poetry, Writing and Photography. He is good listener and enjoys talking with people.
? ?一语,小战士 A Sunrise cook, Journalist, and Independent researcher
Jan, 2009. Ontario Ca.
Career & Personal Development:
Media, News-Reporting, Independent researching, Marketing, Communications, and Corporate Training and Globe Business Development
Long Term:
-Canadian Study, Northern American Culture Study, China Economic Development, Art, and literature; Writing in English Language; Poetry, and Photography?? ?
Independent Research:
-China's Reform 30 Yrs; Canadian Journalism, China's News Watch and Cities; History, Art;
Open to:?
On-line, Text, SMS, Skype, Msn, G-talk, E-mail, Communications.
? Jan. 2009, 欢迎留言:(散文,诗歌,影音,随笔,双语合作)You're welcome to leave message:
注意:( Warning: )
You can reach him at: john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com ( Personal )
人们说, 凡是被他采访的人, 不是被他雷电班的思想击中就是被如丝般的语言缠绕, 他的兴趣如天空广阔,感受如大地深厚,想象就是云,笔却是他的一匹爱驹; 千万留神这位无拘无束的平原人, 来自都市却热爱乡村,干过活,却热爱音乐。