A. Introduction: I am very happy with a heart filled by thanks for?giving.? My soul is occupied with joy and desire?for making contribution to the society with my knowledge and intelligence, and such I do not feel?lonely anymore because I found where I should be and knew what I want.? I do enjoy beautiful girls or ladies?since they are the gifts?of God.? However, I am not wanton. There are?the goals of my life that?I try to achieve so hardly for?sevearl?years. I know that I will achieve?them finally by?not leaving any regret behind even though it still has so many things needed to be done, and?thus sometimes I think that?the?answers?might be in God's hands.?I am?longing for a?graceful,?beautiful and nice girl or lady behind me with her soft hands to support to make our life more enjoyable and rememberable.?? What are you waiting for??? B. Identification: ?帅哥今年40 干了十年还未发/脸上有个小伤疤/个子有点比人差/要问帅哥我干嘛/不大不小是M 10岁的梦幻、20岁的狂热、30岁的张扬。在经历闯荡天下的峥嵘岁月,成功与失败的轮回、痛苦与欢乐的交替、希望与彷徨的徘徊,50岁的男人开始总结过去,品味往事,升华人生的价值。激荡后归于宁静。沉重、睿智、从容; 有如陈年醇酒的沉郁; 有种香茶的儒雅底蕴; 有了心靈的修養。 C. Conclusion: 要专心仰赖耶和华 (God),不可依靠自己的聪明, 在我们一切所行的事上,都要认定他, 他必指引我们的路. D. My Life Memos: 幸福的真谛在于人生有目标! 知识和学历能改变人的命运,但是德,体和知识一样重要。