楼下要不要看看16年这砖家怎么说的?James Carville: It’s hard to look at it right now and come to any other conclusion than it is going to be a pretty sizable win for the Democrats. It’s pretty hard to see anything else. 他可是相当肯定希婆会大胜的。
During a CNN roundtable Wednesday night, Republican strategist Margaret Hoover claimed that internal polling from inside the Trump campaign suggested that despite a reported early groundswell of support, the campaign’s lackluster polling results are “giving them pause.”
“I have heard from Republicans that there is concern at the Trump campaign amongst the operatives that actually really do know the political wherewithal, the turnout and enthusiasm numbers aren’t where they need to be,” Hoover said.
我先给支持川普的提一个建议, 如果老川败选, 建议挺川的都跳楼自杀, 以死明志,这个不惜破坏民主制度纯洁的国家还呆个什么劲, 不如一死了之, 做最后抗争,唤醒支持民主党的愚昧民众