评论: 川普震撼弹!欧盟拟启动冷战来最大国防整备

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木崖湖 发表评论于 2025-02-27 17:32:58
不能再沉默 发表评论于 2025-02-27 17:10:20
驻日评论员 发表评论于 2025-02-27 15:46:39
jinzhengping 发表评论于 2025-02-27 15:32:22
5mslj 发表评论于 2025-02-27 14:40:44

wenxuechengbuhuanying 发表评论于 2025-02-27 13:25:07
二战后德国被分区占领 谁敢发展军事力量就是新纳粹复活军国主义 现在德国快步走向重新武装的道路不会停下脚步 有人怀疑德国有这个能力吗 只有白痴 一战后德国又割地又赔款 那个惨样还发动了二次大战 闪电般征服欧洲 希特勒利令智昏重蹈拿破仑的老路 德军让俄罗斯的冰天雪地冻个半死还打什么仗啊 上帝伸出了手 让希特勒德国的原子弹没有扔出来 这让美国和苏联捡了个大便宜 德国不仅现在是一个经济大国 借此历史契机 将会再次成为政治大国军事强国 川普再次伟大的美国将回到美国去 几十万亿的美国国债 男不男女不女 黑命贵 几十年来民主与自由的声音美国之音 不同意墨西哥湾改名美国湾 别想进白宫采访 这个山头要叫川普山 那个机场要叫川普机场 川普的头像要放在250的美元纸币上...... 还有什么新鲜的我不知道 但是我知道川普和老婆的加密数字货币大大地海捞了一大笔 那点关税嘛哈哈哈吧
不好吃懒做 发表评论于 2025-02-27 12:49:45
欧盟拟启动冷战来最大国防整备 - 这是对的,也是好事!希望美国/欧洲都更强大!
randomspot 发表评论于 2025-02-27 12:47:35
欧盟要想摆脱困境, 必须把美国请出北约; 但要做到这一点, 必须自己准备好, 该花的钱必须花。
居家凡人 发表评论于 2025-02-27 12:43:54
bluetag 发表评论于 2025-02-27 12:36:00
oktober01 发表评论于 2025-02-27 11:57:41

XM25 发表评论于 2025-02-27 11:45:00
XM25 发表评论于 2025-02-27 11:45:00
春风春雨88 发表评论于 2025-02-27 10:30:29
不把俄当成敌人, 欧洲应该没有压力吧. 苏联解体后, 俄国普京最大的愿望是加入欧州大家庭, 不能加入欧州大家庭, 则就是保住白俄, 俄和乌克兰三家, 对其它东欧小国并没有兴趣的
Bslrim 发表评论于 2025-02-27 10:30:22
庄文雅 发表评论于 2025-02-27 10:25:33

alextelltale 发表评论于 2025-02-27 10:10:00
七点三十 发表评论于 2025-02-27 10:04:35
Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-02-27 10:02:46

jgminternational. org/prophecies/global-secrets-are-about-to-be-exposed-in-unprecedented-ways?rq=nato

December 15, 2024
... NATO will be ripped apart, and every leader in it that is against Me will fall. My children, the global government will be ripped to shreds in the days of My Glory. My Church will arise, and your enemies will be scattered...

jgminternational. org/prophecies/the-dismantling-of-the-establishment-has-only-just-begun?rq=nato

February 2, 2025
Oh, United States, the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group are your puppet masters, the architects of the establishment. They are the ones controlling the WEF, the WHO, NATO, and most governments around the world.
I will rip these societies apart. The Rockefellers...The Rothschilds ... are about to be brought down.

jgminternational. org/prophecies/global-secrets-are-about-to-be-exposed-in-unprecedented-ways?rq=ukraine

December 15, 2024
My children, that Ukraine's government will fall. Their power will be brought to nothing. President Zelinsky will be removed and exposed in front of the world. I will show you every contract and dirty deal the establishment made with Ukraine to keep secrets buried in this land. But, I am coming with vengeance to eradicate the evil and every secret dominating and controlling Ukraine and the damage and destruction it has done to many nations around the world. Ukraine is being cleansed by Me, ... All the billions of (US) taxpayers' money is coming back to the United States in unprecedented ways. So, My children, watch Ukraine shake as I remove the ones that do not belong in control. I will destroy the sex trafficking rings. I will destroy the biolabs. ... Freedom is coming to the nations of this world, says the Lord of Hosts.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2025-02-27 09:56:56
[Word heard – February 22, 2025]

My children across the world, things are ramping up and changing in unprecedented ways. The wicked are being brought out of the darkness, out of hiding behind their deception and propaganda and their death machine. Your enemies are being exposed in front of the world. A great cleansing is coming to every nation that will receive My Glory and My Freedoms that I have for you, out from all the wicked hands and out of their control. Global changes are coming to govts and to nations and how they’re governed.

My children once you see the Swamp removed from Washington and My United States I will remove the Swamp across the nations. They have been embedded across the globe to poison every country, to bow down to their global tyranny and control.

Marxists are everything and I am tearing apart the Marxist agenda and their principles they have tried to deceive the masses with to demolish the ??? from what is right and true freedom.

My children I have told you I am destroying socialism and communism your enemies have suffocated the nations with this type of control. Govts will continue to fall and a world-wide resistance will continue to grow against globalism. Don’t you see My children globalism almost completely took the nation down in this time, just as I had warned you about in My Word to watch for in the last days. This is not their time yet, for them to bring that kind of destruction to the world. It’s not their time for the Great Tribulation, but it is for My Church. If they wouldn’t have awakened and stood in the way things would have gotten worse quicker and time would have been shortened. That’s why your enemies wanted to shorten time, to suffocate My Words and power in this earth, so My glory couldn’t come because no one would have receive it due to the enemy’s deception and their darkness.
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