总节目 39 总播放 36339 总点赞 63 总评论 29

而你到来 如和风之轻拂,如柔雪之轻吻

2023-10-09 09:49:04 播放 1050 评论 1

※ Somewhere My Love ※

Somewhere, my love there will be songs to sing
Although the snow covers the hope of spring
Somewhere a hill blossoms in green and gold
And there are dreams all that your heart can hold
Someday we'll meet again my love
Someday whenever the spring breaks through
You'll come to me out of the long ago
Warm as the wind, soft as the kiss of snow
Till then my sweet think of me now and then
God speed my love till you are mine again
You'll come to me out of the long ago
Warm as the wind soft as the kiss of snow
Till then my sweet think of me now and then
God speed my love 'til you are mine again

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