所贴的照片都是来到美国以后拍的。黑色衣服长辫的那张是心情最差的时候拍的。眼神是一种空洞和绝望的悲哀。彼时心情, “It seems to me like candle in the wind…..”生命宛如风中摇摆不定的蜡烛,随时可能熄灭。只是这一次,如此深刻地锉伤了我。再也不期盼生命中的狂欢—而它们也都不足以抵偿我这一刻间的悲哀。很痛很痛的时候,收到我的导师的太太送给我的一束鲜花,说,“我们给与你,你所失去的爱。”。。。
i actually very like your writting, even better than your pics by which attracted me first-a pretty. And i am also be happy you are the very first one who add me in his friends list, due to i am a freshman in this blog.
i would like to thx, for your pics and words!
水门汀 发表评论于
You are smart. I was from ecust and was in a very special program. I am a "beauty" in any sense. :) Skin is dark but I would like to say healthy to make it more accurate.
That is all about me and I am proud of them so much all these years.
Thank you for your comments.But I have to say that your opnion is too traditonal and too narrow....
Thanks for your writings, which really read good. I didn't know your blog until read the recommendation of YuanFangDeHe, and I wasn't attracted at the first sight on your words about Chen Kaige and his women. But, later when I came back and digged further, wow - that's what I can say. Honestly, I like your writings about 青春纪事. Furthermore, I found out that you were born at the same year as my sis, and you also studied in Shanghai as my sis did - were you or your hubby from sju or ecust? My sis was also an engineering girl, and liked to write a lot to express girls' thoughts. That was long time ago.
OK, let me comment on your question. Of course, your figure looks good, indeed. Your face is not bad but I won't say it is a beauty's face. However, it is unique and I haven't seen it at any other place. Your skin is sort of dark, and that might be a reason for TrueNorth's wrong guessing. By the way, I like your eyes, which are big and deep.
TrueNorth 发表评论于
Your name is very impressive. I do not think it is a common one.
Your are beautiful. But I know you have more.
水门汀 发表评论于
Interesting .我的名字普及率很高,想不到连脸谱也是如此.:)
TrueNorth 发表评论于
Again I made a wrong judgement. But I am not disappointed, because I often make mistakes. One thing leading to my judgement is you are like some one i have met, another thing is your picture is not big enough (I am near-sighted.). But anyway thank you for providing a chance for me to see you from far away. Or maybe you are not far away. Regards,